The Survivor by Kerry Buchanan


Feb 12, 2007
The Survivor by Kerry Buchanan

We were not alone.

I’d the sense not to speak my thoughts aloud this time. One more word and I would be disciplined at best, demoted at worst. Spencer had no patience with my hunches.

When the screaming started, I was the only one to drop to the ground, pulling Spencer with me.

“What the f–?” He began. I clamped a hand over his mouth.

All around us our fellow scientists, my friends, were being snatched.

Only a few feet away, someone was hauled past us, yanked along by an unseen force. Odd socks identified her as Georgie, our xenobiologist. The bags of cuttings we’d collected still swung from her belt. I moved to grab her as she flashed past.

Very good story :)
I love the story, Kerry! Really-really nice...I didn't feel sad, but kind of uplifted by the ending. I really liked your MC. Well done! :)
Nevertheless, it wouldn't exist if you weren't doing it. Cheers, Glitch, it is much appreciated.
Fantastic story Kerry, and yes, it was uplifting rather than sad. You should submit the SS5 story you wrote for me to somewhere to, I loved that. In fact I'm going to read it again. Right now.

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