Promo and things!

Jo Zebedee

Aliens vs Belfast.
Oct 5, 2011
blah - flags. So many flags.
Lots of things coming up. Cheering on and sedating and saying hi if you're around in person would be fab.


This Saturday and Sunday I am comic conning at the King's Hall in Belfast. I will be signing copies of books at the Easons stand (near where the celebrity photos are happening.) I will take photos and get some on here, facebook and twitter and at the end I'll do a wee how-did-it-go here and on my website.

Then on 14th May I will be in Waterstones in Belfast, around 7pm, doing a reading and signing books. Any crowd, even a tiny one, would be amazing, so if anyone from NI is of an inclination, please drop me. (And if you're a lurker and see this, it would lovely to say hi.:))

Also! To celebrate the re-release of my lovely website (thank you, Gary!) I'm just sorting out a goodreads giveaway which I'll post the link to here when it's up.

And, lastly, I'm hoping in a few weeks to be able to talk about the plans for a possible release of a new book over the summer, between Abendau's Heir and Sunset Over Abendau. Can't say too much until some protocols are followed but will when I can. :)

Busy, busy, busy. In a fabulous way!
Best of luck with...EVERYTHING!!! :) It all sounds terribly exciting (especially the new book)! (Also, sorry JZ-- Finland is too far from Ireland for me to attend!)
And here's where I'll be. I have some signing sessions, stock, posters and lots of people to accost. I'm a very lucky little debut author. Fingers crossed I do okay.

Can't wait Jo!

I'm moving along in Abendau's Heir and enjoying it.
Phew! Busy day....

At first I was a bit shy and my positioning wasn't great and things were slow, but then I wore one of my business cards as a badge and people were able to realise I was the author - I did as many in the last hour once I did that as I had all day!

All the reviews really helped as I was able to mention them. :)

All in all a good day with lots learned to take into tomorrow! And the sort of sales impossible to get easily.... :)
Waves! Exhausted...

A really good two days. Sales were steady both days with the afternoon being busier - I'll blog about that. Loads of business cards sent out, loads of people sharing the book with friends who might like it, facebooking etc about it. I've had some new twitter friends, and some follow up stuff which is fantastic. Also blagged a couple of interviews and mentioned my mysterious summer project which got a huge thumbs up across the board. All in all, well worth two exhausting days and if any new writer gets offered one, they should do it!

Also, it let me see which pitches worked. And I recommended the Chrons to lots!

Dark space opera was a good intro, Star Wars meets grimdark brought smiles, character led and the inverted chosen one definitely seeemed to interest people and then I went into more detail. So practice your pitches! And be prepared to be cheeky and smile and blag and cajole.... :)
Excellent news! I'm glad that sales were good, and even more that you were able to create so much buzz.
I'm currently stuck at home with an injured foot and Ireland's a bit of a long way away, so I won't be able to come along to anything. But good luck with everything. You're certainly putting the work in.

I would ask one question. You're writing much darker stuff than me, from the sounds of it. One of the advantages I've had at signings is that I can effectively say "Aw, come on, it's a laugh!", which works surprisingly well. Is it harder to sell books "cold" to people when the subject matter is more serious?

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