List of authors websites


Author of The Mindwars
Mar 23, 2015
Melbourne, Australia
Is there a list of self-published and traditionally published authors websites here? I would love to take a look at what other authors are doing but I don't know where to go.....
Now I inadvertently find myself in a quandary.....
I'm new to this forum and I don't want to be seen as self promoting by posting my web address.
Can one of the moderators help me out here please or someone let me know if it is OK.
We have a 100 post rule for self-promotion, but we don't have a thread listing writing member websites. It might be worth my looking into that next month. :)
I have now added everyone that has listed their websites into the search system that I put together. Feel free to PM me with any questions.
My college-age daughter designed my website: (That's dot CO, not a dot com. It's new and trendy she says) That has links to my Facebook and twitter.

I have a profile on Amazon's site. If you search my pen name - Denise Robarge Tanaka - you'll find it. I just updated my photo.

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