The Best Animated Tv Shows and Characters of All Time


There Are Always new Things to Learn.
Jun 29, 2014
WHat do you think are the best animated tv show of al time and the best animated characters?
So many to choose from over the years, in different genres. Reboot was the first show with full computer generated graphics , I believe, and was a favorite of mine. Dragonball and Dragonball Z were good, GT not so much. Samurai Jack was one show that could have an excellent episode with barely any dialogue. For comedy The Simpsons, Family Guy, and Archer are some of my favorites.
Hmm, maybe I watch too many animated programs.
Battle of the Planets. Ulysses 2031. Mysterious Cities of Gold.
TMNT. End thread. Popular since 1987. Three cartoons ('87, '03, '12). Some of the best characters in any form of media. The current Nick toon has fantastic animation - particularly the fight scenes. And it's hilarious.
Ha, i have to agree with Miss Mouse on this one. Still waiting to get the box day
Jonny Quest (it took quite some doing to find it on NF, because of the spelling) was as near to a horror show for kids as it could be, given that it ran in the 1960s. Even now, some episodes are creepy! Still, I would not rate it as best, just memorable.

Star Trek (animated) explored aspects of the characters that had been overlooked in the live-action series, such as Spock's childhood.

Popeye will not soon be forgotten; likewise, Betty Boop.

There have been 4 animated versions of Mighty Atom (Astroboy), & the 2009 animated film (though I thought it was not very good) shows that Atom is hardly forgotten, even in the USA, where the sheer number of science fiction / fantasy cartoons and characters makes a robot boy anything but unusual.

I have a fond memory of Hunter x Hunter, even though certain characters' development was a bit sketchy. Likewise, Bleach, in which there are many such characters whose backgrounds just remain unknown. I am currently watching Naruto Shippuden, something like the 276th episode or thereabouts. Here, the series does seem to cover the background of many of the more important supporting characters.

I watched Dragonball, perhaps even to the end, but I doubt it. I think Goku is funny as hell, given his initial state of being unaware of his being a human, & having never seen a female before. Poor Bulma! :D
Jonny Quest (it took quite some doing to find it on NF, because of the spelling) was as near to a horror show for kids as it could be, given that it ran in the 1960s. Even now, some episodes are creepy! Still, I would not rate it as best, just memorable.

Star Trek (animated) explored aspects of the characters that had been overlooked in the live-action series, such as Spock's childhood.

Popeye will not soon be forgotten; likewise, Betty Boop.

There have been 4 animated versions of Mighty Atom (Astroboy), & the 2009 animated film (though I thought it was not very good) shows that Atom is hardly forgotten, even in the USA, where the sheer number of science fiction / fantasy cartoons and characters makes a robot boy anything but unusual.

I have a fond memory of Hunter x Hunter, even though certain characters' development was a bit sketchy. Likewise, Bleach, in which there are many such characters whose backgrounds just remain unknown. I am currently watching Naruto Shippuden, something like the 276th episode or thereabouts. Here, the series does seem to cover the background of many of the more important supporting characters.

I watched Dragonball, perhaps even to the end, but I doubt it. I think Goku is funny as hell, given his initial state of being unaware of his being a human, & having never seen a female before. Poor Bulma! :D

In the late 60's early 70s shows like were shown in the US , Prince Planet, Gigantor Marine Boy , Kimba the White Lion were better then the types of animated show produced in the US at that time . In some cases ,they were better then our live action tv shows.(y).
It could be that the Japanese animation industry was set-up very differently than the U.S. I remember Marine Boy, & am thinking about buying season #1 on DVD, but, as it is burned on demand, rather than stamped or pressed, I have uneasiness, in thinking that burned DVDs can eventually lose data. Jungle Emperor (Kimba TWL) was made as an allegory in that the species represented races, nationalities, & social strata.
The Warner Bros/Looney Toons/Merrie Melodies stuff. Bugs Bunny. Wile E. Coyote. Marvin the Martian. Daffy Duck, Yosemite Sam, Foghorn Leghorn, the singing frog. That stuff. *nods*

Can't believe I'm post #10 and have to say that. :p

(Unless people are being sticklers and figuring these were originally movie shorts but why look for an excuse to avoid mentioning Warner Bros?)
It could be that the Japanese animation industry was set-up very differently than the U.S. I remember Marine Boy, & am thinking about buying season #1 on DVD, but, as it is burned on demand, rather than stamped or pressed, I have uneasiness, in thinking that burned DVDs can eventually lose data. Jungle Emperor (Kimba TWL) was made as an allegory in that the species represented races, nationalities, & social strata.

In the US , animation for viewed as kids fare. In japan , they tak animation far more seriously.
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The Warner Bros/Looney Toons/Merrie Melodies stuff. Bugs Bunny. Wile E. Coyote. Marvin the Martian. Daffy Duck, Yosemite Sam, Foghorn Leghorn, the singing frog. That stuff. *nods*

Can't believe I'm post #10 and have to say that. :p

(Unless people are being sticklers and figuring these were originally movie shorts but why look for an excuse to avoid mentioning Warner Bros?)

Wabbit season! Duck season! Elmer season! :ROFLMAO: I enjoy Looney Toons, & wish Cartoon Network would run some of those really old ones that it showed on Late Night, B&W! as much as I enjoy the new material on [AS], I really loved those old ones!

There was a particular cartoon that ran among the H&B after school variety, in which this alligator modeled on A. Hitchcock was after a little duckling. It might have been just 1 cartoon, but even though at the time, I did not know of Hitchcock, I still recall the voice. :LOL:
I did use to love Daffy Duck when I was a kid, but as this thread is "of all time" and I'm taking that to mean past to present, then Warner Bros. doesn't even enter my head.
I will mention two shows that I adore...and I wonder if anyone has seen them..and if so, do you enjoy them?

Home Movies
Aqua Teen Hunger Force
Flash Gordon 1979 filiation series and by far the best series animated tv they ever did. It kept the vintage look of the Buster Crab era but it had superior story telling and writing. It is still one of the best animated tv serios of all time and it still holds up pretty well.(y)

Thunder the Barbarian
Post apocalyptic science fantasy series . 2000 years in the future Thundar a might Barbarian armed with his Sunsword and accompanied by The Sorcerous Ariel and The Wookie like Ukla the Moc battle the forces of evil (y)

In the early 1990's Exoforce a terrific animated science fiction tv series ran one season and They ended it just as it was really getting interesting.(y)
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I have to say TMNT from 80's and into 90's was my pivotal cartoon from childhood. I also loved Batman series, X-Men, and the Spiderman one all from the 90's.
Transformers Beast Wars and Beast Machines Terrific animation and writing. (y)
I would have to go with the original Tom & Jerry cartoons, under the Hanna-Barbera/Fred Quimby era (roughly 1942-1957)

Ok, so the animation itself is perhaps a bit flat; but the characters themselves were rich & varied - and hugely funny

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