Arrow S115 - Dodger

Brian G Turner

Fantasist & Futurist
Staff member
Nov 23, 2002

Oliver learns of a jewel thief named "Dodger", who uses hostages tagged with bomb collars to steal for him, who has come to Starling City. Felicity suggests that Oliver bug the phone of Detective McKenna Hall, an old friend of Oliver's, to gain information on the Dodger. She also convinces Oliver to ask Detective Hall out on a date so that he can have some down time. The date prompts flashbacks to the island, and Oliver recalling a time where he came upon another individual who was beaten and tied up, but refuses to help for fear that it is a trap set by Fyers. Through the wire tap, Oliver is able to determine the Dodger's next location, but is stunned by a bomb thrown by the thief, who subsequently gets away. To draw out the Dodger, Oliver donates antique jewels to a local auction. It works, but when Felicity confronts the thief, he places a bomb collar on her to ensure his getaway. Oliver manages to stop the Dodger and deactivate the collar. Meanwhile, Moira attempts to make a deal with China White to have Malcolm killed, so that she can leave the secret organization and get Walter back.

I'm not familiar with the comics - but this felt like it was pushing on a tribute to a comic villain. Despite it being Baltar from BattleStar Galactica, Arrow continues to suffer from underdeveloped "bad guys", which really shows because of how well developed the main cast are.

Oh, and trying to kill Merlyn? That part of the story is really heating up again!

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