Sci Phi Journal magazine


Certified zebra
Staff member
Nov 26, 2009
I hadn't heard of this magazine, but apparently it's new -- Issue #4 is due out soon, and from the back issues (available on Amazon) I deduce that it's quarterly.

This came to my attention because my high school English teacher, David Feela, has one of his Feelasophy pieces in the upcoming issue:

Sci Phi No4 cover.jpg
Is it a fiction magazine? Hard to tell from that? *especially since he's a teacher*
I don't know! I did buy the first issue, when I saw this, but I haven't looked at it yet.
Looks like they do publish fiction as well as nonfiction. They want "science fiction stories that explore a philosophical idea or have a philosophical hook" and must be accompanied by a "food for thought" set of questions.

Sounds interesting, especially for our more philosophically leaning chron members.
I had an article published in Sci Phi Journal #5 and everything from submission to publication went very well and very efficiently. Issue 7 is now in preparation I'm told and a monthly schdule is the plan. Published from Australia. They were loking for book reviewers.
Just a note to PC folks - you must forbid yourselves from having anything to do with this magazine. I'm unsure of the connections, but you can buy copies via Castalia House which is the biggest publisher on this year's Hugo ballot, being founded by Vox Day. Sci-Phi has one story on that ballot via both Sad and Rabid Puppies plus an article via Rabid Puppies. If you've already bought it and enjoyed any of it, you are, of course, evil and can no longer be PC but must start goose-stepping. ;)
You don't have to buy from Castalia, Amazon have it. It's published from Australia. They didn't ask me about my politics and I didn't notice any political message in the contents though that maybe because I'm insensitive.
For info, I subbed to these guys on July 15 and my story is still going through the gears - probably because they haven't got enough first readers to get through the logjam - but still, this is much longer than any of the other mags take. But I'm prepared to cut them some slack.

As for the PC thing, I've been in contact with the editor and he didn't come across as anything other than professional and courteous; he certainly didn't ask me anything of that order. The mag focuses on philosophy, not politics.
I've just been contacted by the editor about a story submitted in Mid May so you might not hear for 1 or 2 months.
I am happy to say that a cartoon I produced with artist Ben Baldwin has been accepted by Sci Phi and will appear in their January issue.
Little update regarding these guys: my story has made it through to the final round of reviews, but it's still taking some time.

I've also become an editorial reader for the magazine to try and help them through their backlog - it's an interesting experience!

The mag is probably going to go quarterly instead of bimonthly to assist with costs, and they are still looking to increase circulation. They are also asking readers to write reviews on Amazon, which I intend on doing soon. They also now offer discounted subscriptions for the ebook edition.

More news in the blog below by the editor Jason.

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