Arrow - Season 2 - not suitable for kids?

Brian G Turner

Fantasist & Futurist
Staff member
Nov 23, 2002
We're watching Arrow, season 1, at tea-time with all the family. Only the youngest isn't too bothered by it. It's a 12 so I figure we're fine with it.

However, I just looked up season 2 on Amazon and it carries a 15 rating. Does this mean that they up the violence and/or sex in it? Would be a shame not to continue watching it together.
depends on the child, I think. My daughter is seven and does okay with Flash. but we don't let her watch Arrow. Arrow has an emotional intensity as well--some pretty grueling moments involving deaths of characters one might get to know across a few episodes. I recall season 2 having some torture as well. More moral ambiguity. Sometimes, the bad guys don't act all that bad and the good guys not so good.

season 2 had some heart breaking moments. Graphic-wise, I don't remember much difference, but tone and dramatic intensity got more severe, maybe? of the episodes in Season 2 was quite intense (Moira and Slade) but otherwise, was entirely in line with Season 1, really. I guess maybe it tripped something technical on the issue of drug use regarding the 'Mirakuru' injection. That's the only thing I can think of.
Just perusing the Arrow forum to see if I should try Arrow... and Brian's comment gave me pause.
We're watching Arrow, season 1, at tea-time with all the family. Only the youngest isn't too bothered by it. It's a 12 so I figure we're fine with it.
I assume 12 and 15 refer to some British rating system and not his children... It's a 12 is slightly disturbing when referring to one's progeny.

Anyway... since I've posted here... Anyone highly recommend Arrow? One a scale of 1-10... is it a 12? 15?
Anyone highly recommend Arrow?

I highly recommend the first 2 seasons. I recommend season 3. I suggest season 4 if you have time. Just to keep up with the character development. I recommend season 5. I imply that ramming pencils into your ears and sowing your eyes shut my be a thoughtful alternative to watching season 6.

That's not to say that aren't issues. In the first season Stephen Amell's acting is a bit wooden. He definitely grows into his role. There's a lot of killing and very little blood seen. It age recommendation is 13 and up.

Here's how I rate the seasons.
S1. 8.5
S2. 9
S3. 7
S4. 5.5
S5. 7
S6. 4
S7. It too early to tell but it seems like I'm watching a prison show not I superhero show.

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