Ray McCarthy
Sentient Marmite: The Truth may make you fret.
Fixed it.he's critically driven by desire, and -- crazy-- the woman finds that sexy
Fixed it.he's critically driven by desire, and -- crazy-- the woman finds that sexy
But even the things that are "borderline" might be far over the line for some readers. I stopped reading the kind of romance that Hex describes, a long time ago, because I hated the male protagonists and could not get past the things they did.
I think evil female characters are harder to redeem in the eyes of readers, at least with readers of approximately my generation, because we still have this subconscious cultural conditioning that women, even more than men, shouldn't act that way.
I'm sure there is a gender bias in this, but I'm not completely sure how it works. Because I think it's as much about beauty / sexiness as it is about societial role models for men and women. I mean Baltar from BSG was mentioned a little way back. I'm not sure he was redeemed, as he was simply shown to be half crazed and three quarters possessed by either the cylons or madness.
But lets look at another character - Six. Was she redeemed at any point? No. But is she hot? Yes. So don't we poor stupid males still want to sort of sweep the bad under the table and forgive her just a little. At the same time Dean Stockwell's cylon character we want to die horribly for all the horrible things he's done. Because he's male? Or because he's simply not hot?
Cheers, Greg.