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Places in Fantasy and Science Fiction Films, Television and Games That You Wish Were Real


There Are Always new Things to Learn.
Jun 29, 2014
What places in the above categories do you wish were real?
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How do you know "The Culture" or something like it isn't real? I don't think "soul keepers" or "identity backup" will work as an immortality gambit. I think a bit stale of an SF idea now.
I need hard proof that The Culture exists in order to believe it.

Not so much into The Culture for its immortality aspects, more for its hedonistic socialist utopian aspects.

Fermi's paradox is all I have to go on I'm afraid!
  • Advanced civilisations will use very little broadcast, what they do use will have little escaping.
    Even our broadcasts at Analogue Peak were not detectable above the cosmic noise at any sensible distance
  • Statistics, Stoichiometric modelling and probability suggests that you get gaps and clusters of Civilisations. Randomly "dust" a large table with "sprinkles" AKA "hundreds and thousands" with your eye closed to see what I mean.
  • Maybe we are in Quarantine of some nature
  • Maybe only sub light travel is possible (No Jump drives, Star Gates, Wormholes, warp bubbles, Hyperspace or near speed of light 'conventional' craft) What a pity!
I don't think Seti is likely to "work", as a former RF Communications engineer, it can't possibly get a signal unless very close and beamed deliberately. I don't think the Fermi Paradox looks at all the angles, actually I think it's a little pointless :)
It seems that the sort of stars that are sensible for life as we know it and planets around in Goldilock's Zones is much more common that had been supposed.
Strangely our Galaxy has a convenient set of interstellar navigation beacons we ourselves are accurately charting.
We are charting them well enough even to navigate within the Solar System, never mind hypothetical Starship use. Are they really a fortuitous quirk of nature?

But Europe is pretty amazing, it's really Middle Earth, Rivendell is really in Switzerland. Earth is fabulous. Both the Wilderness, Oceans, Cities, vibrant cultures of different regions, food, sex, animals, Plants. Many things more amazing than you'd imagine. Ancient Babylon, Cambodia, The Middle Kingdom, India, Pre-European Americas. How a Camel stores water and avoids losing it. Duck-billed Platypus. Marsupials including nearly flying ones. Miniature marvels such as Water Bear and Hydra. Not long extinct Roc like birds in NZ. Wolves help trees to grow.
Id love to seem them give Doom a second try. The film we got was a major letdown.:(
The world of Myst . The game and the world were so wonderfully strange. :)
But Middle Earth is real, just older, Tolkien said so. It's Europe (Shire in Welsh/English Marches, Rivendell in Swizterland and Mordor is in Balkans)
The City of The Singing Flame in Clark Ashton Smith .
The Domed City in Logan's Run, without the Sandmen and Carousel .
The Mansion in James Stoddard's wonderful High House Duo-logy.

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