Films Loved by the Critics but not by You.


There Are Always new Things to Learn.
Jun 29, 2014
Films that won raves by the critics, But didn't impress you.
Saving Private Ryan. Ye gods, I loathe that film. I can't say it didn't "impress" me, because it certainly did, but in an incredibly negative way.

In a completely different way, Citizen Kane. I don't loathe it at all - it's fine, but I guess I'm just not enough of a film buff to see what makes it The Best Film of All Time. I suspect, even if I were, I wouldn't think it was that great. So it more exactly "didn't impress me".

There are millions more, of course, but those two jump out.
Titanic. It might have won multiple Oscars but it was Godawful.

The film had great visuals and production values. But best picture ? I just don't see it.
The Madness of King George 1994 TThis is without a doubt one of the the most boring films ive ever seen.
I hate films that have been made of books I have read and enjoyed.
I have made a vow,to never watch another film that is made from a book I've read.
A recent one that springs to mind is The Hunger Games.
Goodwill Hunting . I saw it once and that quite enough. Way overrated .
avenger assemble.

God I was bored, the only interesting point was true to figure out how black widow was feminist when her character development involves bending over quite so much.
Forest Gump and (a movie I dozed off attempting to watch) The Matrix. Don't know if the critics liked Dune but I wish that movie had never been made, and I hated Close Encounters as well.
Victoria,I am surprised on your views of Dances with Wolves.
It was a film I really enjoyed.
Still,it would be a boring world if we liked the same things.:)
Saving Private Ryan

Since I do not want to offend anyone, I shall refrain from saying why.

Oh, and Braveheart.

Though, from what I hear, it was mostly American critics that liked it so much. The rest of the world did not take to it because, well, history.
In recent years:

12 Years a Slave.

I shut both of those off mid-way through.

Not sure if the critics raved about this one or not but all my girl friends liked Liberal Arts the movie...So....Yea. Never saw the whole thing. ZZZZZZ

Anything Higher than 90% on those movie rating thingys I tend to avoid.
I have never quite understood how The Shawshank Redemption seems to have found its way to the top of everybodies favourites list. I don't hate it but i find it a trifle with not much to say. Forrest Gump I actually loathe though as it strikes me as 2 hour 20 minutes celebration of passive stupidity.
Dances With Wolves

Full of odd, eccentric, downright goofy moments for a "serious epic." I also didn't care much for the way the star was made such a noble hero figure.

And this...

I actually walked out of Dances with Wolves in the cinema because it was so long winded and dull and worthy and i really needed a cigarette.
I have never quite understood how The Shawshank Redemption seems to have found its way to the top of everybodies favourites list. I don't hate it but i find it a trifle with not much to say. Forrest Gump I actually loathe though as it strikes me as 2 hour 20 minutes celebration of passive stupidity.

Hurrah! I am not alone. Really can't work out how and why either of them are so well regarded. But were they critically well received, or just popular with the Great Unwashed?

Personally I find the critical acclaim heaped on directors like Godard and Rohmer baffling. Dull pointless films with annoying shallow selfish unsympathetic characters. (And it's not just because they're French.)

I've also never understood why Tarkovsky's Stalker is so highly regarded. I loved Solaris - probably one of my favorite SF films but Stalker just bores the pants off me.
Saving Private Ryan

Since I do not want to offend anyone, I shall refrain from saying why.

Oh go on...

Oh, and Braveheart.

Though, from what I hear, it was mostly American critics that liked it so much. The rest of the world did not take to it because, well, history.

It was/is quite popular here in Scotland too for some reason which escapes me. I think it's a pile of crap.

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