Brandon Sanderson YA novels


95% tea
Jun 28, 2012
Connecticut, USA
I've been reading some of Sanderson's books for younger audiences; Alcatraz, which is middle grade, and Steelheart and The Rhythmatist which are YA, and was wondering if anyone else has read these.

Alcatraz was fun, but I thought the other two were fantastic.

For those who haven't read them, Steelheart is set in a world where a number of people have gained super powers, but rather than use them to protect the weak, they use them for their own gain. Its a great premise, and I thought it was very clever. Book 2 comes out this year.

The Rhythmatist was my absolute favorite, though. Its a gearpunk novel, set in a school, with a delicious form of magic and wonderful characters. It was fun and whimsical, and is well worth reading.

However much I love Mistborn and the Stormlight books, its nice to see Brandon playing around with other genres, and doing it so well! It just shows what an all-round great writer he is.
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Hey Juliana, of course I have read them!! Actually I haven't read the Alcatraz books, thinking they are too young for me.

I read the Rithmatist and really liked it...what a fun, cool idea. I hope he expands on this.

Then Steelheart felt like it was for a little older crowd. I liked the first person, it really kept the story jumping...every chapter was a cliffhanger. I guess they are working on a movie of this already?

Ever since I picked up Elantris years ago I have devoured his work. His magic systems are always awesome and original, and he is a true storyteller.
I have yet to read Elantris, though I read The Emperor's Soul (what a gem of a story!) which I think is set in the same world.

Absolutely agree with you on the magic and the storytelling, Ratsy; I'd be ever so pleased to come up with just one story like that, let alone several completely distinct ones!
For sure Juliana. I don't usually write much magic into anything. I have used magical objects but that's it. He is someone I look up to for sure though in style although I gravitate to a slightly darker style. His work is quite Wholesome, but in an age where grim dark is everywhere (which i don't mind) Sanderson is refreshing
Hey Juliana! It seems that our reading tastes are intersecting yet again:

I stumbled upon "Steelheart" and am finding it a really great read! Love the premise and the characters are well-developed and engaging.

This is the first Brandon Sanderson book I've read and I'm pretty impressed. Might even move on to read the Mistborn trilogy even though I am not a fan of traditional Fantasy in general.
He's a fabulous writer, Bluestocking. :)

If you're not a big fan of traditional fantasy, try The Rythmatist; its also YA and is gearpunk, steampunk's sister genre (cogs and wheels instead of steam).
He's a fabulous writer, Bluestocking. :)

If you're not a big fan of traditional fantasy, try The Rythmatist; its also YA and is gearpunk, steampunk's sister genre (cogs and wheels instead of steam).

Great! I'll probably do that (i.e. try The Rithmatist).

Not sure why but at some point about 10 years ago, I just went off traditional Fantasy except for LOTR.

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