What are you working on right now?

I'm messing around with a character study writing prompt using the main characters of a novel I've been outlining. It was supposed to be short and sweet, but I'm already at 6 pages...

I'm having fun though :)
Too many things. Third novel in a series that needs finishing urgently as number two about to be released; a commissioned short story; a commissioned article for a crime magazine; and that's not even taking into account the events I'm planning, and the website editing, and the writing groups and sessions I'm running.

Clones, anyone?
I've finished going through the text of my 2000s novel Red Silence Green Song for possibly the LAST TIME EVER (ha, who am I kidding?) as I'm SPing it shortly. The cover art is done, and the lettering colour has excited some controversy, which I hope to go internet-wide and generate oodles of publicity. I'm also working up to starting the third in my YA eco-magic Earthwyrms series.
Apart from being distracted by random short story ideas - effectively just long scenes - I'm still working on First Star I See Tonight, the completion of the Under Darker Suns novella trilogy.

Having said that, a reviewer of Not Here, Not Now generally enjoyed it, but found the 'rushed' ending a bit of a let down. That kind of threw me, as it was pretty much how I'd always pictured the completion, so I'm trying to resist a revamp given how much work in progress I have.
A one page strip set on board the USSSS Ship detailing the adventures of two of its All Girl Astro-Amazon crew as they deal with the ship faulty toaster. I'm cleaning up my pencils in Photoshop which will get coloured by my Number Two Daughter in Autodesk Sketchbook before giving it back to me to letter in Photoshop.
I've just gotten past the 30k mark on my science fantasy book, working title 'Woke World'. Humans are using humanoid canines as sacrificial slaves, there's a vegetarian detective, a canine scientist trying to create immortality and a war amputee. Also, everyone eats eye goo from a made up monster, and there's gods and stuff. I'm thoroughly enjoying it.

So finally finished the new book - it's now called Modesty (which my sister hates as a title!) - and I'm on the third revision. It's a little small for an epic fantasy at 101K, but I think it's good at that length. Cover's done too and the blurb's in process. I love it when things start suddenly coming together!

Cheers, Greg.
Editing my third fantasy novel for self-publishing, and fighting the urge to start a new space opera.
I am currently working a space opera mystery that grew out of a 75 word challenge. I've got my first novel attempt on hold as I feel I need to gain a little more perspective on writing before I give it a heavy edit. Lastly, I have an interesting race of creatures defined that are also on hold until I find a suitable plot line to use.
I'm on the last (tennish thousand?) words of draft one of my second novel, The Pegge and the Pendrel. I'm really delighted that it's a fraction of the size of my bloated first novel (225k) and so far comes in at 90-odd K.

After languishing through May, June's been a productive month for me so far and Scrivener proves it (also where book 1 took over ten years to research and write, this one hasn't even been a year so far):

Screenshot 2021-06-17 at 23.49.40.png

Screenshot 2021-06-17 at 23.50.26.png
I'm currently working on a YA historical fantasy with pirates, assassins, and witches. It's been hella fun, and I finished the rough draft, but there are so many issues with my characters that I think I'm going to start over from scratch and just re-write the novel. This time, I'm thinking of doing it in first person, but keeping the dual POV I've got going on. Right now, specifically, I am working on getting to know the characters better.
Currently I'm working on a space opera, heavily inspired by late antiquity (especially neoplatonic philosophy, late Eastern Roman/early Byzantine Empire), Paradise Lost and mecha anime. The story is smaller in scope than most space operas I'm accustomed to, focusing on two planets and a planetoid in one star system and the key element I'm striving for is to create a mixture of hard SF with magic realism.
I'm working on a portal fantasy with a Victorian-era setting, in which a young woman goes looking for her missing sister. I have been working on this intermittently for several years and recently cut a lot of the material. I have just about finished making the third volume of my "Witch's Box" series ready for publication.

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