What are you working on right now?

I'm working on the NaNo. 1200 words in. I seem to get more done doing this. Let's hope I can keep it up.
Only wrote about 400 words yesterday, but nearing the end of the story and trying to wrap up multiple lines of plot all at the same time. Story will probably end in another 10k words, which I also said 10k words before, and so forth...
Tentatively trying a new top sekrit idea for Nah Nah Nah Nah Ni Ni Whoop Mo.

Bop de bop.

Will you still be able to keep it top secret after imbibing five bottles of strawberry-ade in a couple of weeks?

No big secret; it's Night Knight innit? ;)

Or was it what you mentioned at last LonChron?

No big secret; it's Night Knight innit? ;)

Or was it what you mentioned at last LonChron?


I only came up with this idea after I last saw you. Its proper top secret for once this. I might keep it this way and see whether, by not telling anyone about the story, I get more motivated because I want to to finish it so I can tell people. Seems a worthwhile experiment.

Right now I'm on 1265 words.

Also my third attempt to spell awkwardly correctly.
Have just jumped a really awkward hurdle in my WIP - I don't know why it was so difficult; I suppose having 3 POV characters starting to close their arcs - and meet - was partly responsible. Also setting it in two villages, one of which has no POVs had been a challenge, and finding reasons to send a POV character there was tough.

But that's done now, and I'm on the downhill slope to the end of the 1349 period.

Here be hangings, skinnings...

and fleas.

Word Count: 119,386 (it's a hot mess, though)

Cool Phyre. Good job!

I'm about 57k into my new book which is getting a cover as we speak, so i better make this good. I'm still juggling titles for it. New Threat is tentative ... why do I have such a hard time naming these books?

I'm also working on a super secret collaborative book which is at about 8500 words so far, and mostly outlined.

NaNo halfway point, and I'm on pace with 25,500 words so far.
What with The Pincers of Death now being out, I've slowed down a bit. In the meantime, the fantasy story continues, and is moving towards a conclusion of sorts. I'm also experimenting with a story about robots - more light adventure than comedy, although I'm finding it quite hard to get the tone right.
Just finished the manuscript of Osiris. (The Locus Series Book 3).

Structurally, it's all there now, and because of the way I've written this one (Every few chapters going back to the start and editing through - a new technique for me which seems to work), it's pretty clean. It's been a hell of a challenge shifting things up a gear from Expedition both in terms of emotion and for the set-pieces (while keeping things realistic), but I'm happy the series has reached a cresendo.

It has lots of intrigue, the characters we know, love, or despise get a resolution - some of them were heart rending to write. Just a couple more run throughs to nail down continutity, add some meat on the bones in places and shift a few things around, and it'll be ready to go to the editor.
Working on several things at once!

Most important is the one thing I've been procrastinating on - re-doing the Prince Publications website. Since Amazon ended their Bookstore program (It was great!), I have to redo the entire site, with links for all books. Made a dent in it this weekend; need to finish it before Friday (with Christmas Pricing)! Ugh.

Gave up on NANOWRITEMO - I didn't really think I could finish it - just not my way of writing - so yeah, I'm back to working on more than one story at a time! :D
I am working on the Fourth Reich - King of the Snake. Done it a bit differently this time: planned out all the chapters and it's flowing easily and I'm loving it.

Also working on The Zeborian Matrix with Siobhan Marshal_Jones and my children's book.

Keeps me out of trouble!

WIP is now the ridiculous length of 122,501 words which Scrivener tells me equates to 323 pages.

I've written 2.4k in the past two days so I'm going to have a break for a bit and read some more of The Goddess Project. (my progress on TGP is rather impressive for such a slow reader as I; 100 pages in 3 days!)

I'm reading The Empyreus Proof aloud in preparation for sending the polished draft to the publisher. Thirsty work indeed -- I think I'll have drunk an extra several gallons of tea/water/gin before the end.

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