Tiebreaker Poll -- May Writing Challenge -- DAVID EVIL OVERLORD and THE JUDGE WIN!

Tiebreaker Poll -- May 2013 Writing Challenge

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Ursa major

Bearly Believable
Staff member
Aug 7, 2007
We have a two-way tie. again!

The stories:

The Last Sunset (by David Evil Overlord)

‘Mummy, will our star go never?’

‘Nova, little one. And, no.’

‘But their star did.’

‘Yes, it did. They knew they were ending, so they broadcast their genes to the universe. Their gift taught us how to rebuild all that once lived on that lost world.’

‘And the people?’

‘Maybe one day we’ll know which ones were the people, little one.’

We entered the Dead Alien World Zoo.

‘Mummy, I want to see the humans!’

A Mother’s Last Will and Testament (by The Judge)

... and to my beloved daughter...

The notary taking down my words looks at me, startled.

My beloved daughter. Killed – by a law permitting only one child, by a husband wanting a son.

I fought to have the law changed, my husband punished. I failed.

But I had her corpse, and I have not been idle in my laboratory these seventy years.

I am dying now. And at the instant of my death...

... I give life.

The usual rules apply:

Any member of the Chrons can cast a vote

Each member may cast one vote only

You may not vote for yourself

The winner of the poll will choose the theme and genre for May

The poll will close at 11:59pm GMT on May 30 2013

Please note -- this is an open poll. Everyone will be able to see which story you voted for.

This thread is to be used for voting only. Please keep comments on the stories for the Discussion thread. Any comments posted here will be removed.​
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