Trying to remember book title(s)


New Member
Mar 22, 2013
I read a book (or series?) back in the 70's (I think). I can remember enjoying it, and I'd like to read it again, but - can't think what it was called! I can only remember disjointed snippets... The central character was male. I think he is on a planet where humans have to play a game to escape from some kind of enclosure/cage. If they succeed, they get some kind of token. But, this just acts as the entry to the next, tougher level of the game. He succeeds of course, but God's in the details. The only other thing I can remember is that he has a companion. He encounters her in some kind of slave set-up. She is about 16 (?), but her (and the other female slaves') onset of puberty has been delayed by the drug she is given by her (non-human?) captors. He helps her escape. Because she stops taking the drug, her first menstruation subsequently takes place, much to her consternation. Bizarrely, I remember that this action takes place when she goes off in a huff from our hero, to a bar frequented by men with more than just a quiet drink on their agendas... I appreciate that all this probably reveals more about how my mind works than anything else, but if anyone has any clues to which book it took place in, I'd be eternally grateful!
This makes me think of a Philip Jose Farmer series, World of Tiers perhaps? I read this so long ago that I cannot be sure but something about the snippets you provided made me think of this.
Thanks Timba, that doesn't ring any bells for me - but I'll definitely check it out!

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