Question: Future publication

Nott Hraezla

-Completely- Average Guy.
Apr 11, 2012
Hello, everyone. Been a while. Couple of questions for someone who knows much more than I.

So I am getting closer and closer to my first submissions to magazines. I have been working on a collection of short stories which in the future I would like to republish as an episodic novel. I know authors who have published stories in multiple places have collected things into anthologies, but I am wondering if that is allowed for anyone.

What I mean is, are there magazines/e-zines that will basically own the rights to my story forever if they accept and feature it?

This question was spawned by a submission paragraph I read on an e-zine site:

We buy First Worldwide Electronic Rights, with exclusive rights required for three months. The story will be archived unless requested otherwise by the author. All rights revert to the author if the story has not been published within two years of acceptance.

I have an 'okay' understanding of the First Worldwide Electronic Rights, but I am looking for a quick clarification of the exclusive rights bit. I just want to make sure that when the exclusive rights where off, and if I ask them to not archive it, then they will no longer have any hold on my piece. Is this correct?

Thanks for reading!
Yes, once the stipulated exclusive rights period ends, all rights revert to you as the author. Some markets will actually take all rights on a story (and will state this in the terms) but these are extremely rare. The vast majority follow a similar pattern to the one you quote.
I prefer to submit to magazines that don't take rights (BEWILDERING STORIES IS AN EXAMPLE).

However, other magazines assume your rights for six months to a year. Some ask to archive your story.

The ones that assume your rights have you sign a contract. If there's no signed contract, you're in the clear.

My son's an attorney. We've discussed this subject in detail.


C.E. Gee aka Chuck

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