Anybody here like reading HG Wells?


New Member
Jul 15, 2012
I've read 'The War Of The Worlds' which is definitely one of my favourite books, as well as 'First Men In The Moon' and also 'The Time Machine' which I enjoyed immensely.

Can anybody recommend what to read next?

'War Of the Worlds' was much much better than the movies. I like the George Pal one and also the more recent one but they fail to capture the atmosphere of the book. One scene in the book that still sticks in my mind, probably because it disturbs me, is where the protagonist is hiding out in an abandoned house with another chap (a priest, if I remember rightly) and ends up killing the poor guy because he wouldn't be quiet while a Martian war machine hunts around outside.

I think the book captures the way people change in a desperate situation and the instinct to survive kicks in. The movies are more about the action side of it.

Anyway, if anybody has any recommendations based on what I've read, I would appreciate hearing them.

- TS
You could try getting the story collection The Country of the Blind and other stories. The Country of the Blind is excellent, very thought provoking...The Island of Doctor Moreau is very creepy, and The Invisible Man is a favourite of mine...I'm also partway through When The Sleeper Wakes, which I am greatly enjoying, however it didn't get to come with me to Sweden over the summer so is sitting unfinished at home...
Thanks for the suggestions - I'll take a look at those! :) I may be visiting Sweden myself next year!

- TS
Thundershock I think you have captured the essence of classic science fiction as represented by Wells and subsequently Wyndham - they both used the genre to put mankind in totally new situations and then see how they react.
Oh my yes, go grab Wyndham - Day of the Triffids and The Chrysalids should start you off well there...
Anybody here who doesnt like to read HG Wells?

To me he is a real pioneer and a great SF author. The Time Machine is one of my alltime fav books.
Still so fresh and readable! It would be a pity to miss him just because he's sort of taken for granted in sf circles.

He is much more fresh,readable than Verne today thats for sure. I couldnt finish my first and only Verne. Wells on the other hand is just like later social SF i like. My fav kind of SF is authors who build social SF ideas behind their stories. The Time Machine was so fresh in that sense.

My only trouble with Wells is i wonder which is his next best book after The Time Machine?
It depends what you are looking for really I think...I love The Invisible Man (and the invisible cat :wink: ) for the damage his intelligence does, but I love Moreau for the idea of science gone bad/creepy...The Country of the Blind is one of my favourite shorts just for the irony, and so far When the Sleeper Wakes is doing remarkably well at the whole saviour from the past who's not a saviour...but I haven't finished that yet so it may go downhill...
I think the most interesting read of HG Wells, are his personal journals. One has to keep in mind that he was a socialist during World War Two. He was in Britton when it was bombed and made a few interesting remarks about patriotism in his journal. Don’t get me wrong, he was against the Germans but an old fashioned socialist nonetheless. Some of his ideas come to light in his writings. For instance in The Invisible Man explores economic and political problems that troubled him throughout his career. Through the neat science (fiction that we all love) Griffin becomes invisible. In addition to that basic plot, (Sub Plot,) he uses the technology to steal; sic, rob people of their money.
There are many more examples, but you get the idea. The science fiction is great! After all, what teen age boy doesn’t want to be invisible but…..
In my edition at the beginning somewhere, or maybe at the end, is a note from him saying that he knows full well that he shouldn't be able to see, but thought he should mention it just in case, I was greatly amused by that...
Written so long ago, yet so many of them stand the test of time. The War of the Worlds is so incredibly atmospheric (no pun intended) but The Time Machine is my favourite. Incredibly, I've just studied this again, in my MA in Utopia and Creative Writing. For my essay, I looked at Wells' use of dark and light to illuminate, but not educate, and my tutor was a real fan of Wells, so I got a good mark!! Thanks, HG...
I think the most interesting read of HG Wells, are his personal journals. One has to keep in mind that he was a socialist during World War Two. He was in Britton when it was bombed and made a few interesting remarks about patriotism in his journal. Don’t get me wrong, he was against the Germans but an old fashioned socialist nonetheless. Some of his ideas come to light in his writings. For instance in The Invisible Man explores economic and political problems that troubled him throughout his career. Through the neat science (fiction that we all love) Griffin becomes invisible. In addition to that basic plot, (Sub Plot,) he uses the technology to steal; sic, rob people of their money.
There are many more examples, but you get the idea. The science fiction is great! After all, what teen age boy doesn’t want to be invisible but…..

That sounds like his stories more interesting because of that and i have read little of his non-fiction. Being a socialist despite in a time where it was big world events,and not so popular. Now authors can say that and not be shunned at least if they aren't in USA.

But what ? His personal political ideology doesn't make him less or more.
The only book of his I've read is "The Island Of Doctor Moreau" but I definitely intend to read some more by him. I've had "When the Sleeper Awakes" on my shelf to read for ages and for some reason, I just haven't got around to it.
From what I've read of Sleeper so far it is well worth the read...can't wait to get home from Sweden on Sunday and pick it back up! Along with a dozen or so novels that I couldn't bring with me!
From what I've read of Sleeper so far it is well worth the read...can't wait to get home from Sweden on Sunday and pick it back up! Along with a dozen or so novels that I couldn't bring with me!

This does not compute.

Anyway I've read War of the Worlds and The Time Machine when I was in High School. I liked The Time Machine, it was my introduction into Science Fiction.
Haha I've been over here since June and I have only seen my boyfriend and animals yeah :wink: I get to see everyone, Sweden itself is amazing, it just isn't housing the correct people at the moment :wink: HG Wells is just wonderful....
*sigh* Jealous of people in Europe...and Time Travellers.

Trust us in Sweden we have had the worst,rainy depressing summer in years and we save alot of money to escape to warmer places like Australia. Although i saw on CNN your big cities are highest hotel prizes.

Whats up Kylara i could have borrowed for him/her a copy of HG Wells books in Library ;)
Haha you guys do like disappearing for weeks over the summer...I was in the office mid July and there were three of us, and after lunch only two...and I have been working at a pretty big international company! Four weeks consecutive holiday! Jealous :wink: still I get a weekend in cornwall next week from thursday and then Blenheim horse trial on sunday - bareback SJ!

I haven't seen a library, which is weird because I'm in a university city, all nice and cobbled...but still anticipation of getting back to my libraries (in my house...some floor libraries, and actual library and some random bookshelves...) is wonderful :) Wells is glorious and easy and still relevant and funny (in an ironic way) and extremely well written and put together...
