Goblin Moon Kindle Edition, epub, and .pdf -- Discounted the Entire Month of January 2011

Teresa Edgerton

Goblin Princess
Staff member
Nov 1, 2004
To start the New Year off, I'm offering a discount on the Kindle edition of GOBLIN MOON, the entire month of January.

Jed and his uncle are river scavengers, trolling the Lunn for pieces of wreckage, and dead bodies — a profitable trade. One night on the river they snag an unexpected prize: the coffin and body of an ensorcelled magician, and his books of proscribed magic. They take the coffin to Jenk, a failed alchemist. Hungry for the forbidden knowledge, Jenk buys the coffin and its contents. The books yield fascinating secrets, and Jenk attempts the creation of a homunculus, a tiny living creature carved from a mandrake root.

In the meantime, Jenk’s granddaughter, stubborn, sensible Sera lives on sufferance with wealthy relations, where she keeps a protective eye on her cousin, Elsie. Elsie's mother, Clothilde, has been subjecting the girl to one fashionable “cure” after another, for an illness that exists solely in Clothilde's mind. Between the exertions of the phlebotomists and the physic of the doctors, it's a wonder Elsie survives at all. Sera intervenes where she can, but she can't discourage a dubious foreign nobleman who courts Elsie under the sponsorship of her “almost godmother,” the Duchess of Zar-Wildungen.

Elsewhere, genuine deviltry is afoot: A secret society murders young prostitutes in perverse rituals; slavers use spells to lure innocent girls and boys, in order to ship them to brothels half a world away. Witches plague the countryside; the dead are raised untimely from their graves. Against all this stands one man, pledged to pursue and bring to justice all those who would use magic for nefarious purposes. Like those he hunts, he is as ruthless as he is resourceful, and the different identities he adopts are more than just disguises: they are manifestations of a fragmented personality.

If you haven't yet read the book that many are comparing with Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell, there will never be a better time to buy. To find it, follow the links.



Note: for those who don't have a Kindle, there is a trade paperback edition (not discounted, I can't do anything about the retail markup) available at the Lulu store and through Amazon UK.

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Thanks for posting this! I already purchased a copy when it first became available but I will be sure to pass the word along.
Going to bump this thread, using the excuse that I finally finished the book! After insane amounts of stuff going on at work and at home, and an extended illness, my reading slowed almost to a halt which was disappointing.

I have now finished the book though, and thoroughly enjoyed it! I will post a review soon, meantime, bump goes this thread for those who do not own this yet to remind them of the lowered price this month.

Thanks Teresa for writing that book! Now, about Book 2... ? :)
I'm not sure whether I missed it or not, but is it available for purchase as an ebook anywhere else? For various reasons I don't do Kindle.
BTW I am not a Kindle owner either, I read the book on my Droid 3 phone using the Kindle app (my main reading technique these days as it's always with me, and I can read whenever the mood takes me, such as say when family members are clothes shopping and I am stood around with nothing better to do - which is how I finished Goblin Moon today, thank heavens for portable reading material!)

Just in case there are those of us without Kindle devices who do not know they need not be deprived of reading this book :)
It's available on Smashwords in epub and pdf, but the formatting is a little odd. Not that it impacts the readability of the book, but it would be prettier if I could fix it. I am presently wrestling with another file to replace it, but I can't get the new one to upload. I should; I tried all day; but it didn't work.
Just bought on Smashwords. And I bet you thought it would just be a load of give-aways this month.

Edit: okay, the price difference isn't really enough to call it a give away, but oh well.
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You did give my Smashwords numbers for the month a boost, though, AMB. Since I haven't announced the epub and pdf versions yet, the sales there haven't exactly been impressive. Thanks! And thanks to Tom and dwndrgn for your kind words.


I think the formatting problems have been solved. I just have to test some things out.
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Re: Goblin Moon Kindle Edition, epub, and .pdf -- Discounted the Entire Month of Janu

And now I can announce that in addition to the Kindle and print editions, Goblin Moon is available through Smashwords, too, in epub and .pdf formats.

Epub works on Apple iPad/iBooks, Nook, the newer Sony Readers, Kobo, and a number of other e-reading apps including Stanza, Aldiko, and Adobe Digital Editions.

PDF, of course, can be read on your home computer.

So if you've been waiting to buy the book because you don't have a Kindle or any of the Kindle apps ...
Re: Goblin Moon Kindle Edition, epub, and .pdf -- Discounted the Entire Month of Janu

I just bought the book from Smashwords and am thrilled! I would love to replace my entire collection of your books with ebook versions. You can add pReader for webOS to your list of apps that supoort Epub. Thank you!
Re: Goblin Moon Kindle Edition, epub, and .pdf -- Discounted the Entire Month of Janu

You're welcome! I'm going to try to get the other books out as e-books as quickly as I can, but that will probably take a while. They're all in files I can't open, so they have to be scanned and gone through for scanning errors, even before I can go through all the other steps before publication.
Re: Goblin Moon Kindle Edition, epub, and .pdf -- Discounted the Entire Month of Janu

Why can't you open them?
Re: Goblin Moon Kindle Edition, epub, and .pdf -- Discounted the Entire Month of Janu

I should have said, some of them were written on a typewriter, and there were never any computer files to begin with (but they have been scanned), and some of them (except for the Madeline Howard books where the situation as to rights is not promising) were written using WriteNow, which so far as any Macintosh operating system now in use might as well never have existed.

The sequel to GM has been scanned, so it's one step closer than some. I just have to go through and take care of all the scanning errors.
Re: Goblin Moon Kindle Edition, epub, and .pdf -- Discounted the Entire Month of Janu


I'm about 1/2 through Goblin Moon and its an intriguing read. This from someone who didn't like the "Hobbit" and was utterly lost trying to figure out "Lord of the Rings."
Re: Goblin Moon Kindle Edition, epub, and .pdf -- Discounted the Entire Month of Janu

I hope you enjoy the rest!

Although I do love Tolkien, my inspirations for GM came from entirely different sources.
Re: Goblin Moon Kindle Edition, epub, and .pdf -- Discounted the Entire Month of Janu

I just finished the first volume of Goblin Moon tonight on my Kindle. It was great fun. I look forward to finishing the story on Gnome's Engine as an ebook as soon as possible.

The experience of a real book can't be duplicated. Nonetheless, the convenience of having an ebook both on my phone available anytime I have a few free minutes and on an iPad for more traditional reading time is hard to overstate. As far as I am concerned, the quicker your work can be made available for the Kindle, the better. I hope you can find some help to migrate your old files. There are bound to be some old machines or old geeks :) around.

Thanks for your work.

David - Dallas
Re: Goblin Moon Kindle Edition, epub, and .pdf -- Discounted the Entire Month of Janu

T.E. --- I finished Goblin Moon. I would call it a unique reading experience. It was unlike anything I've ever read before, of course that could be easily attributed to my S.F. pension. I will remember it which is the sign of good writing.

I intend to read Gnome's Engine when you get it ready.

Thanks for sharing.

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