4.01: The Darkest Hour Part I


weaver of the unseen
Aug 21, 2007
Merlin faces his toughest challenge yet when Morgana's blinkered determination threatens not only Arthur's future, but also the very balance of the world. With her magic stronger than ever, the sorceress summons the mighty Callieach to tear open the veil between the worlds.

Hellish creatures pour forth, killing all who succumb to their touch. With Uther a shadow of his former self, it falls to Arthur and his loyal knights, including Lancelot, to protect the kingdom.

But it will take more than just swords to vanquish their enemy and Merlin is shocked to the core when he discovers the only way to restore the equilibrium requires a sacrifice of unimaginable proportions...

To be honest I don't know what to expect from this series. It certainly isn't going to be GRRM's Game Of Thrones. Not in the way BBC has been pushing this series towards the children. The drama is absolutely different and therefore I believe that we cannot even start comparing those two together, even though they both belongs in same genre.

However, what we can hope is that BBC has learned their lessons and taken in the count fan criticism in certain things and therefore has started moving Arthur towards Kinghood, and Merlin towards great powers. What I especially would like to see in this start is more of Knights of Round Table, and Arthur taking seriously the chance that he might actually be a King or a Regent. The sword has been set in the stone so it might as well happen. But what comes to Merlin and to the last Great Dragon, I don't know, but I surely hope that the old one has been busy in hiding eggs.

I'd like to hear your thoughts and expectations as this episode will air in UK 7.50pm at 1st of October.
Wow, it never even entered my head that Merlin and A Game of Thrones would/could be comparable. Merlin is a family show, closer (to me) to the BBC Robin Hood series than anything else.

I'm looking forward to seeing Lancelot back (and not just because he's super handsome), and hopefully seeing more from the knights in general.

Hoping that Arthur, at least, finds out about Merlin's powers. I don't think it'd be the same show if everyone knew, but I think Arthur needs to know because sometimes he just comes across as an idiot by not knowing.

That's all I want really!
This thread frightened the life out of me! I thought I had missed an episode :eek:

I've seen the trailer for this upcoming season and it would appear that Arthur does indeed find out about Merlin's powers with Merlin spouting the line "you don't know how many times I've saved your life" :D

Morgana's powers seem to be growing fast and she looks much more like the Morgan le Fey we've come to expect (hair in disarray, dark eye makeup, long swishing black hooded cloaks etc :p)


Link for your enjoyment! :)

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Wow, it never even entered my head that Merlin and A Game of Thrones would/could be comparable.

They are both fantasy and you cannot deny it, no matter how much you want to slot Merlin as a family show. And that is because in a way GoT is a family show for the families that are mostly adult. And the difference between Merlin and GoT is that GoT has stronger arches, where Merlin has been built around one off episodes (fillers) with one lose long arch. If BBC would they could make this show much stronger by starting to build those arches in the show and forgetting fillers, but I really doubt that they have balls to do so as we have seen in the Doctor Who.


Mouse said:
Merlin is a family show, closer (to me) to the BBC Robin Hood series than anything else.

Do you mean the old Robin Hood where Robin had Herne the Hunter as his mentor?
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I kinda don't get what you mean, ctg. Merlin and Game of Thrones are both fantasy, yes, but that's all they have in common. They're not even marketed to the same audience. Merlin is for the whole family to watch early Saturday evening. GoT is not.

I mean the 2006 Robin Hood. And I mean similar as in meant for a similar audience - not similar storyline.
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I kinda don't get what you mean, ctg. Merlin and Game of Thrones are both fantasy, yes, but that's all they have in common. They're not even marketed to the same audience. Merlin is for the whole family to watch early Saturday evening. GoT is not.

Different way of thinking as my family is made from adults and there is no small people around.
Same with my family, I have no children around. I guess I'm not explaining what I mean very well. The people who make the show are aiming it at what they call families. The traditional 2:4 children scenario. That doesn't mean other people can't enjoy it. I'm not denying Merlin and GoT are both fantasies and I'm not trying to slot Merlin into anything. It is a family show. That's how it's marketed. While we (me and thee) may like both Merlin and GoT, the shows are just not the same at all. Apples and Oranges. ;)

I guess the adult family version of Merlin would be that awful Camelot that was on a little while ago. I only watched one and a half eps of that before I got bored. :)
Merlin faces his toughest challenge yet when Morgana's blinkered determination threatens not only Arthur's future, but also the very balance of the world. With her magic stronger than ever, the sorceress summons the mighty Callieach to tear open the veil between the worlds.

I wonder what magic are we talking about. Besides premonitions and dreams, I didn't see Morgana's any other power. Let's say she could learn from her sister the time they had spent togethr and hope she will act as a sorceress.
A much, much darker episode. I think the younger audience might have nightmares. Uther is an emotional wreck (but still hasn't popped his clogs), Morgana looks actually worried about what she has done. It's a pity it can't continue like this, but past experience has shown we will return to the sickly sweet episodes and Uther will recover completely.
I've seen the trailer for this upcoming season and it would appear that Arthur does indeed find out about Merlin's powers with Merlin spouting the line "you don't know how many times I've saved your life"
You were mis-sold there then, Arthur just replies that Merlin should be made court-jester.
I daresay some of the younger folk will be having nightmares about skulls tonight.

(Whether they're real ones, as in tonight's Doctor Who episode, or spectral ones, as in tonight's Merlin, who can say?)
A much, much darker episode.

Indeed it was much, much darker. And in a good way. Not in a nightmarish way, because they didn't show enough of gore to really disturb a young mind, but also they didn't go all the way in the realms of horror to really give out the audience creeps. Or then maybe I have seen too much.

What I really liked in this episode is that the writers has started dipping into well of possibilities and in the same time they use their time well to really deliver a story. And what a story it has been so far as Merlin isn't using his powers to save Arthur and in the other hand Arthur nor his knights can save the realm.

What really pisses me off is the knowledge. We know nothing is going to happen to the dear stars of the show and that eventually as Dave says, everything is going to be all right. It is almost as if the lore is forcing the producers to act as if they're a invisible police man by saying, "Nothing to see. Move on."

But then again, they have now a chance to show the audience that we have listened your grumbles and we're going to make this show better. All we have to now do is to wait TEIN appearing to shoot down the whole thing.

*hands TEIN a blunderbuss*
You were mis-sold there then, Arthur just replies that Merlin should be made court-jester.

Indeed I was, and I saw it coming as soon as they trekked off to the Isle... I was, needless to say, disappointed. I thought at least Arthur would know who Merlin is this series.

As for the episode, I really loved it. It was good to see the darker side of magic portrayed in this way. Morgana did seem a bit contrite about the release of the Darocca (sp?) but I wonder if that's more to do with the revelation of Emris rather than the act itself.

Her dream was interesting, the image of Excalibur sticking out of someone's body/the ground with Merlin towering over her, all white beard and long hair.

One question I have though is why do Merlin and Morgana look so... ill? Was that to do with the magic that had occurred?

All in all, really good episode, can't wait to see next weeks conclusion to this two parter.

Indeed it was much, much darker. And in a good way. Not in a nightmarish way, because they didn't show enough of gore to really disturb a young mind, but also they didn't go all the way in the realms of horror to really give out the audience creeps. Or then maybe I have seen too much.

What I really liked in this episode is that the writers has started dipping into well of possibilities and in the same time they use their time well to really deliver a story. And what a story it has been so far as Merlin isn't using his powers to save Arthur and in the other hand Arthur nor his knights can save the realm.

What really pisses me off is the knowledge. We know nothing is going to happen to the dear stars of the show and that eventually as Dave says, everything is going to be all right. It is almost as if the lore is forcing the producers to act as if they're a invisible police man by saying, "Nothing to see. Move on."

But then again, they have now a chance to show the audience that we have listened your grumbles and we're going to make this show better. All we have to now do is to wait TEIN appearing to shoot down the whole thing.

*hands TEIN a blunderbuss*

TEiN Takes loaded blunderbuss and considers blowing his own head of.

That way at least, he will miss the rest of the series.
Gods help me, I actually enjoyed it. Still more holes in it than in Aurthur's chainmail (like, why was the wheel on the upturned wagon still rotating after more than a day?) but I wasn't actually looking for them out of boredom. Hope it carries on like this.
Gods help me, I actually enjoyed it. Still more holes in it than in Aurthur's chainmail (like, why was the wheel on the upturned wagon still rotating after more than a day?) but I wasn't actually looking for them out of boredom. Hope it carries on like this.

At which bit you noticed the wagon wheel turning? When they went in the village? The whole village scene was very well built and the director know exactly on how to keep the suspense on. I mean, it was truly entertaining and it, funnily enough, didn't follow the typical horror rules.

I just wonder if there was a family hidden in one of those houses and did they use that (note. I have only watched it once.)

What really surprises me is that God of Under-realm. It is so well build that I cannot even know how to put emphasis on that. I just don't. Not even Sauron was so well portrayed. I wonder what was her character name, and does it have historical connation (don't know the spelling. So mods can you help me there, please) behind it, does anyone know?
What really surprises me is that God of Under-realm. It is so well build that I cannot even know how to put emphasis on that. I just don't. Not even Sauron was so well portrayed. I wonder what was her character name, and does it have historical connation

That was the Cailleach. See link for mythological info.
Her dream was interesting, the image of Excalibur sticking out of someone's body/the ground with Merlin towering over her, all white beard and long hair.

We've seen Merlin transform himself into an old man so I think that Morgana's dream shows a young Merlin in disguise, rather than an old Merlin. It makes sense because at this point she doesn't know that Emrys is Merlin, so her dream remains suitably mysterious to her for now.

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