6 Days in Roswell (1999)


Benevolent Galaxy Being
Mar 11, 2010
Earth Orbit

An interesting mockumentary about a quiet guy who wants to be a part of the "alien" experiance, so he travels to Roswell, New Mexico. Once there, he meets the people of the small town, some who strongly and truely believe in the existence of aliens from elsewhere, while others are there to only make a buck.

I found this film to be a harmless and fun adventure, at the place where in 1947 an alien craft was reported to have crashed in the desert. What really made the film great for me, was the REAL people he interviews thoughout the movie.
Swell, roSWELL. WEll, well, it's swell, RosWell is. There's a giant invisible pyramid UFO base there, but we can't talk about it, or MibS will appear, and --_AiIOgH!

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