January 2011 Writing Challenge -- digs wins!

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Round and Round to Infinity

"You remind me of a man."
"What man?"
"The man with the power."
"What power?"
"The power of the voodoo."
"You do."
"Remind me of a man."
"What man?"
"The man with the power."
"What power?"
"The power of the voodoo."
"You do."
"Remind me of a man."
"What man?"
"The man with the power."

Someone has overturned the wine. He can hear each separate drop hit the floor ... tick ... tick ... tick.

The terrible old men still sit upright in their chairs, glaring at him with their empty eyes: the Chancellor, the Steward, the Seneschal, the Lord Protector.

Slowly, the boy-king circles the table, his face remorseless. They planned his death for his birthday tomorrow, but tonight he attains his true majority.

This time revolution starts from the top.
Three Pillars​

“She’s upstairs,” Doric said to the Corinthian. “Hurry.”

The staircase led to a windswept temple. Ionic sat above a dais of carved volutes, levitating.

“Just in time,” she said over the shrieking wind. Lightning skirted the columns, striking the entablature. “A new age dawns.”

The Corinthian drew his spear. Five feet of ash, one foot iron blade. “End it, now!”

Ionic rose, laughing.

I’m too late, he thought as the temple crumbled. It’s already begun.
The First Thing We Do, Let's … (Consult the Manual)

Emerging from the bushes, they examined the pavement by the two bodies.

“Yep, skidmarks at the skunk.”

“None here.”



Lab autopsies yielded clear results.

“We fed this one 50 Mentos and a Coke, hence the … mess.”

“And this one?”

“No, just old age – rats aren't stupid.”



“How do you propose we do this one?”

“5000? Hmm … I'll book the cruise ship. You get the bar association list and send the invitations.”

“Good start.”
He who lols last lols best

He could have been the first school shooter if he'd had a gun and the nerve, but back then he was too scared of everything. No more.
The program was finished.

Take this, you nerds with your MMOs, you tweens with your Facepage or whatever, you leechers of music and movies and books.

/run Delete-Inet.emp



"Tim, come up here, something's wrong with the Internet!"

"Sure, mother. Coming."

And he laughed.

Disbelief was plentiful when it happened. But that’s probably why so many died in the opening hours. I was lucky, though. I hid, crawled and climbed my way into the dim light of obscurity while those left in the streets above were turned to dust and ash by an enemy we could not possibly imagine, let alone defend against.

But the time for hiding is over. Now it’s time to rise up or die trying.
As you walk past the back corner of an Arms Fair.

Gleaming packaging. The favourites at eye level. On the bottom shelf, a worn item.

"What's the problem with that one?"

"No problem sir. That's the 'Bloodless Revolution'."

"Why returned?"

"Well, it doesn't ... suit." "It's very popular with fiction writers."

He laughed. "So are princesses and fairies; fools gold."

The attendant set the item back.

Someone would buy it. And born from the heart of discontent, His love will burn brighter from the tyranny he ends.

The mighty dictator screamed at the massed multitudes. War had come, and the monkeys who opposed his vision of reality and the future – must die.
The entire monkey race must die if need be! The wild-eyed little maniac finished his speech and was strutting offstage to tumultuous applause when he suddenly slipped and fell from sight. The crowd gasped as one.
He was dead, his neck broken.
“What happened?!” yelled someone.
“Banana peel.”
Till a lot, guru raconteur

“Crop rotation ? You mean spinning carrots ?”

“No. Instead of the sheep always in the north forty, turnips west and then barley, you change every year.

It doubles the yield, fewer diseases, you pay the same taxes.

The farmers get rich, food cheap, the Lord’s control slips.

Farmer power, peasant power.

Spread the word only to people you trust, ready for change.

Make a contribution; we’re all doing what we can.”
Another Revolution!

These revolutions would kill him yet.
At every intersection people shouted to him “Careful!”
A generation ship’s crew could not thrive on continual revolutions.
Would anyone survive the 136 years of revolutions left in their journey?
Everyone was going to have to do something to maintain physical harmony.
His part was set before him.
Survival was mandatory.
His gun fired.

Revolution 39 complete.
One more and the daily exercise routine would be accepted.

He couldn’t be sick. The resource plan contained no margin. Times were lean, the Chinese leaner. Smarternotharder became smarterandharder. They wanted it more. No choice, no sick, no slack in the system. No … sss-s … sick. Medisin. Ignore contagion, drug everyone to peak productivity. Lemsip Ultramaxx Bird Flu Strength — meet deadlines even when dead!

Then came the voice of God. Everyone heard.

It said: **** this.

But the economy was bigger than God. The crisis passed.
The Angels' Fall

“Do you see, Michael, why I must do this?” Lucifer looked over to his brother, his eyes searching for understanding.

“I do, Lucifer, but I can't go against Father.” Michael pleaded.

His anger rising, “Then tell father I will be home shortly, to destroy him. He has placed his love with the wrong people.”

Turning away and shaking his head, Michael felt his heart breaking, “He will destroy you, brother.”

Perhaps.” Lucifer shook with rage.

(Edited for mistakes.)
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The End Justifies the Means.

He awoke: blackness; head throbbing. Around him blood and faeces: the results of two weeks interrogation.

Intense white light.



The inevitable punch.


They thought he wouldn’t. They all knew he was dead meat being tenderised for the executioner's fires.

If he could hold out…

But he couldn't take anymore…

“I’ll Talk!”

His abusers leaned in to hear the vital information.

“You’ll be the first against the wall.”

He died laughing; blessed release.
Sanguine Congruence

Old King Myric; just, yet cruel

By brother's knife, his life did end

“Brave King Rysal!”, cried the fools

Monster he became, in brother's stead

Myric's only son; swaddling babe

Spirited away from the ravening beast

Boy grew to man, mourning father's grave

Evading assassins, he sailed to the east

Son returned, no longer afraid

Western armies following his lead

With tyrants and for those who betray

'Tis blood then which the People seek...
The One that Got Away

After twenty-six years, forty-seven days, six hours and four minutes, James irrationally, unexpectedly took off the headset and stood trembling and pale.

He took seven minutes to work the knob on the door, three to push it open.

It was then that James felt for the first time sunlight on his skin, and smelt for the first time wildflowers, and saw for the first time the sky.

Two seconds later, he smiled.


Shut up. You've gone too far this time. Come on son; we're off.


An apology might help.


I suppose that'll do.


What's it worth?



The civil infighting of our revolutionary movement made everyone slaves on our own lands. Joining the rebellion against my mother’s heavy protests, I celebrated too much when I met the hypnotic beauty on the road. Her powdery skin and devilish eyes shined like onyx stones while her oil-slick hair cascaded in waves off her triangular face. She thrilled and terrified me at the same time. If I’d been sober, I might have sensed the danger.
You Lose – Revolutionary Tales

“Ever watched a tossed coin spinning? The promise-filled, expectant waiting... Heads or tails?”
“Come the revolution, you’ll – ”
“It came.”
“It came. Old rulers deposed; new rulers installed.”
“But – ”
“You thought it would make a difference? You really believed the fairy tales? Freedom? Justice? Heaven on Earth?”
“It’s not true. You’d be the first killed.”
“I have... talents. Whoever rules, I’m needed. I always survive.”
“I – ”
“Now, here’s my coin. Heads I win, tails you...”
Revolutions Per Minute

“Stand back,” said Professor Lipniki, “or you will be sucked in.”

Dander stepped away from the large egg-shaped structure where Captain Barnes sat, a look of grim determination on his square-jawed face.

The Professor pushed a button and the criss-crossed arches that encircled the time machine began to spin. To Dander, he looked as though he had been shrunk and stuck in the middle of an upside-down whisk.

“245 RPM.”

The last word is hidden, didn't want to give it too easily so highlight at the end please. :D

A New Dawn

They started small, but after The War they expanded, rapidly taking over, growing so fast. Some say they couldn’t be stopped. They’d gone Global!

Then a change happened, unexpectedly new. They grew slowly at first then BOOM! Taking over and evening the score. New ideas and new ways, a New War broke out, Ruthless… Dark… Sweet…

Things are different now, there’s choice. You don’t have to conform. People see the new trucks…

They say…

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