Can you draw a parallel between real life objects and legendary itens of fiction ?


New Member
Dec 19, 2010
In games and works of fiction it is very common to exist legendary or epic item(s) that is either very powerful or give a very important/crucial ability. It is usually very, very hard to get but when aquired gives you an amazing feeling and all the benefits of that item (like that feeling of: "now that I worked so hard for that object and got it I will solve all my problems with easy and it will be amazing"). Sometimes the item go even beyond the final goal of the game and exist just to give the player the power or honor to own it. It gets more interesting when you go to MMORPGs games, where there are those very rare or almost impossible to get itens that gives the player a lot of power, and sometimes even makes the owner of that object legendary.
Sometimes I try to figure out a link between those kind of epic, legendary or rare (unique) fictitious objects and the objects of real life. I also try to figure out what of objects in real life could give it´s owner the equivalent values that those legendary fictitious objects. It is a difficult task because in game we have a small set of goals (like killing monsters, win battle against other players, destroy the villain of the history, etc.) but in life we have an open set of goals (basic ones and more complex ones). On top of that, we have rules to follow (but so does games) and it is better this way, because they separates us from total chaos (let´s not try to figure ways to destroy others here, and focus on real life, but there is a factor of competition here I guess, feel free to use it in your arguments if you like). Also, I try to go beyond the obvious, like "power comes from money" and "money is valuable" (money is a medium of exchange (in economics terms) and it´s value is measured by the value of things that it can acquire) I am trying to figure out the value of objects in itself and if it compares to the value of the ficticious objects described above. Another argument, maybe less obvious, but still obvious, is the value that comes from things like luxurious houses, expensives sports cars, clothes and jewelry, again, I ask you to go beyond it.
Example question: what would give more of the sensation of acquire the ficticious objects described above, a rolex watch or a spear said to be used by a hero stored in an acient greek temple as a relic (I don´t know if there really was one, just consider it as real), and what item would be more valuable ? For those who were fast picking the spear: how about an Ferrari vs. an chariot used in some roman war ? What use is there for a chariot you may say. But what was the use for the proposed spear ? Or for the rolex or the ferrari for that matter ? What values are we considering here ? And what values we should consider when trying to compare a real life object with a powerful epic or legendary object that we search for (and maybe give a incredible amount of time looking for) in a game and will solve all our problems in it, or that a personage search for in a fiction work. One may say that such a object in a game is also a real life object but than, again, what is its value for the player as a real human, not as an avatar (despite the fact that there is a strong link between the player and his avatar).
TL DR : I am trying to figure out what values of objects in real life we should consider when trying to find an real object that would give the same "power" and "value" that an epic, legendary and/or unique object commonly found in works of fiction and games (like a very powerfull sword, wand or armor). If you didn't understand try to read it full.
One must delve into the needs and desires of the humans and what gives the sense of accomplishment and power, to try to figure this out. I will share my thoughts with those that also want to investigate this subject here.

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