John F Kennedy Warning!

Well, it's all fairly obvious.
If the world, the mass consciousness that we are, can be likened to a computer, as many people believe, then we have a partition, that's all.
Can't hide a few hundred people out of six billion, to get things done, with a lot of money to play with? Can.
We always heard there were 'cooler heads' above us, running the whole show, and I guess there are or we may have had atomic war or lord knows what.
The way things seem to be designed, you reach these hard, hard questions that people get a headache even looking at.
So there's a secret machine all righty, but is it evil? Nah, people aren't evil.
History is evil though, and up pops one of those hard questions.
If people aren't 'evil' (and you know we aren't) - then why were we killing each other steadily for thousands of years? What were we, nuts?
If there's a logical reason for that, and humans are now past that phase of our development, then it's the greatest news ever, innit?
The final phase would be..reformatting the 'computer' so we don't need to have these ridiculous arguments anymore, about shadowy groups of people acting like terrorist maniacs running around blowing stuff up and blasting Presidents in broad daylight. That would be nice.
JR, I would have preferred a better signal/noise post for a 6-month bump, given today's atrocity in Oslo.
An atrocity which I just learned of an hour ago. No idea, no comment here other than prayers for the victims and parents. *:(

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