giant crashed starship w/runaways living inside and 'dirt' trails to find their way


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2010
There's a crashed giant starship, and escapees or runaways are living/hiding out inside-- the ship is still partly active. They have a skimmer of some sort to navigate its massive interior.

They periodical spread 'dirt' lines through the corridors because it's too big and complicated to navigate. They have to keep refreshing the lines because the automatic cleaning cycles keep 'smearing' the lines as the cleaning gradually moves particles of dirt to the sides.

There's also a militaristic part to the society-- one scene I remember has a crack drill team performing (?involving some anti-gravity equipment?) in a very important ceremony/celebration. One member (our hero?) has a spell/moment of vertigo/trips/has a vision, and wakes up ?in the infirmary?-- and they had to switch to a recorded version of the drill because he muffed it up.

This goes back ages-- it could be a book, story, or even a comic book!

Hoping for the best from you long-memoried folks!

--Paul E Musselman
Re: giant crashed starship w/runaways living inside and 'dirt' trails to find their w

I posted this back in October and I just wanted to let any newcomers to the group have a look at it... and see if anyone's subconscious has remembered anything about it!
--Paul E Musselman :eek:
Re: giant crashed starship w/runaways living inside and 'dirt' trails to find their w

Just a nudge to see if any current readers have any thoughts... --PEM
Re: giant crashed starship w/runaways living inside and 'dirt' trails to find their w

Just another nudge...
Re: giant crashed starship w/runaways living inside and 'dirt' trails to find their w

Just yet another nudge...
There's a crashed giant starship, and escapees or runaways are living/hiding out inside-- the ship is still partly active. They have a skimmer of some sort to navigate its massive interior.

They periodical spread 'dirt' lines through the corridors because it's too big and complicated to navigate. They have to keep refreshing the lines because the automatic cleaning cycles keep 'smearing' the lines as the cleaning gradually moves particles of dirt to the sides.

There's also a militaristic part to the society-- one scene I remember has a crack drill team performing (?involving some anti-gravity equipment?) in a very important ceremony/celebration. One member (our hero?) has a spell/moment of vertigo/trips/has a vision, and wakes up ?in the infirmary?-- and they had to switch to a recorded version of the drill because he muffed it up.

This goes back ages-- it could be a book, story, or even a comic book!

Hoping for the best from you long-memoried folks!

[This is yet another >nudge< looking for anyone with a long memory!]

--Paul E Musselman
There's a crashed giant starship, and escapees or runaways are living/hiding out inside-- the ship is still partly active. They have a skimmer of some sort to navigate its massive interior.

They periodical spread 'dirt' lines through the corridors because it's too big and complicated to navigate. They have to keep refreshing the lines because the automatic cleaning cycles keep 'smearing' the lines as the cleaning gradually moves particles of dirt to the sides.

There's also a militaristic part to the society-- one scene I remember has a crack drill team performing (?involving some anti-gravity equipment?) in a very important ceremony/celebration. One member (our hero?) has a spell/moment of vertigo/trips/has a vision, and wakes up ?in the infirmary?-- and they had to switch to a recorded version of the drill because he muffed it up.

This goes back ages-- it could be a book, story, or even a comic book!

Hoping for the best from you long-memoried folks!

[This is yet another >nudge< looking for anyone with a long memory!]

--Paul E Musselman

I didn't like to see so many nudges without a response, so I decided to go on a google spree to see if I could pull anything up remotely linked to your description.

Sounds similar to this:

Or check the "In Fiction" part of this Wikipedia entry:
I remember the waking up in an infirmirary, for some strange reason... the dirt trails, and.... that's it. ****
Thanks for checking, but the Heinlein isn't it (I've read that several times!); the links in the Wikipedia entry just don't do it for me! :)
I remember the waking up in an infirmirary, for some strange reason... the dirt trails, and.... that's it. ****
I can see their skimmer zipping through the aisles of the crashed ship. I strongly suspect it was from a comic book or other 'graphic novel.'

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