Look at Jardax's screenshot, linked in her last post. There are 5 files called "Case Study....", followed by two "China Report...." followed by five "Zheng Province....".
I like your idea of an aircraft carrier. Maybe a cruise liner would be more comfortable - though don't people always come down with stomach bugs on cruises - at least they are away from the infected birds on a ship.
Would a DC-3 be able to land on an aircraft carrier?
Also, they used a helicopter before. That couldn't have the same range. Was it just used to go from London to the Lab and back? And why isn't it at the Lab now?
In an earlier thread I mentioned an old nuclear bunker as somewhere for the family to live. It just so happens this one is for sale on Ebay today:
BBC News - Derbyshire nuclear bunker to be auctioned on eBay
Watching this episode again a few things do strike you:
Abby is very quiet when she goes looking for Peter with Tom. Peter can only hear Tom and hides, but Tom is shouting out "Peter" and Abby just isn't really trying.
Why did Whittaker leave Tom with a gun? He may have thought Tom was dead, but guns are not easy to get hold of, so why not take it with him.
And how does Tom get on the aeroplane without anyone seeing him get on? I think they had provided some back entrance for Peter so that he wouldn't contaminate anyone, but you would still need to walk past Landry and his guards. And why only 3 guards? Why did Landry need to come at all? It was only meant to be a pick-up. He didn't know it would become a stand-off.