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This is something into which I fall all too easily myself: "he heard", "she saw", etc. (It's something I found I added when trying to remove implied head hopping, as if by adding the "he saw", etc. I was making it clearer; whereas if I'd written it properly in the first place, it wouldn't needed to be pointed out. And pointing it out changes the relationship between the reader and the POV, if only for a phrase or sentence.)
It's discussions like this that remind how very new I still am to all this writing malarkey! I find myself currently writing with the aforementioned "she saw", "he assumed", "she seemed to..." to avoid the shift in POV in a chapter which I'm finding awkward enough. Any chance you can jot down an example or two of writing it properly as I don't know what you mean at the moment!
Also, I assume there's no set in stone rule regarding the switching of POV. but I know there are limitations. At the moment I'm sticking to the same POV for a whole chapter (I've not needed to change yet, anyway). Is it feasible to switch POV after using a break in the chapter and does it get confusing if you switch after one break, switch back again after the next and keep going like that?