question for the replicants


Lost in time....
Jul 5, 2009
In the video room Bryant says to Deckard:
"There was an escape from the off-world colonies two weeks ago. Six replicants, three male, three female. They slaughtered twenty-three people and jumped a shuttle. An aerial patrol spotted the ship off the coast. No crew, no sight of them. Three nights ago they tried to break into Tyrell Corporation. One of them got fried running through an electrical field. We lost the others. On the possibility they might try to infiltrate his employees, I had Holden go over and run Voight-Kampff tests on the new workers. Looks like he got himself one."
And then we all know that he (Deckard) must retire only 4 replicants?
Who was the sixth?
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It's what is known as a mistake.

In the novelizations sequel, it was made out that Deckard was the sixth, captured, and controlled by Bryant/ the police and used against the others. That answer makes no sense since the other replicants didn't recognise him, after he had traveled with them.

The more likely explanation is that there was a sixth replicant in the script originally who was cut. But not all references to the sixth where removed from the script.

In the Final Cut version, the line is changed to 'Two of them got fried running through an electrical field'
Well I saw the directors cut and is the same (one of them got fried.......). The final cut I haven't seen it yet.
I can't believe that Decard is the sixth, 'cause he doesn't even know what model (nexus 6) the replicants are.
When he saw Roy he said to Bryant "what is this" and as you said the replicants didn't know him also, so is a little weird to think that he is the sixth. Sorry for my english and thank you for the reply :)

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