carol berg and women


Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2005
i really like carol berg as a writer, i like that she writes in first person, that she has interesting plots, that her books aren't filled with violence and rape like so many
but she really does write awful women!
mostly her books have male leads, and i really enjoyed her demon series, loved song of the beast and the lighthouse duology.
now im trying to read her bridge of d'arnth (or whatever it's spelt) and i just don't connect with the heroine, seri
just as i didn't really connect with lara in song of the beast
is it just me? i find the women really emotinless and rather patronising and condescening. they don't have much sympathy for anyone, while the male characters seem to and seem much more human.
usually i do prefer male leads anyway, but there have been female leads that i have enjoyed, mainly the tamir triliogy and a few louise cooper books, but i don't seem to like any of berg's women.
i was just wondering if anyone else had this issue with berg's women?
I haven't read 'Song of the Beast' yet, so I don't have any other female main characters of hers to compare to on the "and women" part of the question.

I will say that I thought the first D'Arnath book, overall, was difficult to get into. For me, it was more that all the backstory took up too much space for too little pay-off, but I suppose I didn't really connect well with Seri, either.

For what it's worth, Seri's role decreases in later volumes, so you're not stuck with just her POV the entire time. :)
phew :) cos seri is very annoying. i don't mind the backstory, i just wish she showed some emotion. i understand being bitter and so on, but not having any emotion for what happened to her husband/child is hard to put up with
song of beast is probably my favourite. i like the lighthouse duet thing too, but something about song of beast was just really sweet and sad and stuff :)

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