Education in Culture Novels


Feb 18, 2008
Hi folks,

I recently came across a reference to 'University sages' in a Wiki article on the 'Mind' concept in Banks's Culture novels. I'm not overly familiar with the series - could anyone give me some pointers as to where in the novels Banks refers to issues of education? Even if someone can recall in which novel(s) the University sage concept is referred to, that would be very helpful. Many thanks if anyone can help me!
Wiki often isn't the best source of reliable information, but I couldn't see anything in that article on "Minds" that I didn't agree with. I'm sorry, but I can not recall the novel where "University Sages" appear. Minds are a part of every Culture novel, with one at the centre of every Starship. Someone else will oblige.
You can read Iain's thoughts on education in The Culture here: Iain M. Banks: A Few Notes on the Culture

I don't remember much about education in the novels either, except the protagonist in Player of Games was given over to writing and publishing theoretical and research pieces on games.

However, thanks to your query and a quick google of "university sages" I have turned up a a most interesting e-book by SF writer Ben Bova. Not an SF piece, but a popular science work, which I enjoy as much as SF. Here's the link for anyone interested.

The Story of Light - Google Book Search
I seem to recall a human teacher in Look to windward'. She was either a Doctor or professor at a university and she had a daughter who was nervous meeting the Homomdan ambassador. I've probably got a lot of my facts wrong here- its been years since I read it.
But the cool thing is people still want to teach in a world where no one gets paid for it. Banks really believes in people, doesn't he? You'd never get a character like that in a David Webber novel...

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