I am coming in well late to this discussion, not been on the boards for ages
Still thought I'd add my £'s worth (by the way is a pound still worth a pound - probably not these days!)
I saw survivors first time round and loved it, always did - when UK Gold re-showed it about 10 years ago I watched it all over again and it was still as good. I know some of the acting was a bit dodgy and it wasn't as super slick and sexy as the stuff tv produces now, (but I am still a fan of classic Dr Who - wobbly sets and toothpaste caps for console controls)
I am really enjoying this series, I see the parallels with the 70's series and some of them are not quite sitting right but as they keep telling us its not a remake I shouldn't nit pick.. but I can't help myself a bit.....
I also wondered about the Jenny character in this series (Freema's character) On the basis she has the same symptoms with the lump under the arm as Abby did then I am guessing she will have survived and re-appear. But Jenny was such a main and integral character in the original series it doesn't seem right that she's been replaced by the other girl (whose name escapes me so clearly hasn't had much of an impact on me!!)
And the Tom character is so totally different to the original Tom Price why couldn't they just call him something different and make him a new character. I think this Tom is a good and valid character for the show, but he is not the weasley, pervey, murdering ******* that I remember from the original series.
Loving the whole Al and the kid routine - thats working, and of course in this one we are seeing that its the scientists that started the whole thing, which we did sort of know in the 70's version, but not with the same insight here. So whats going to happen next week, they are clearly after Abby as someone who recovered........... hopefully Greg will save the day. Also liking Patterson Joseph as Greg, slightly different twist on the character but the basics are there.
Can't wait for Tuesday