need help finding the name/author of a trilogy back in the 80s


New Member
May 15, 2008
i started reading a series of books, not sure if it was a trilogy or more of a sci fi series back inteh early 80s. i really liked it, but never was able to finish it.

the basic premis was that there was a material found on one of the moons of saturn (i think). anyways, it turned out the the human race had migrated to the stars back in ice age and had spread throughout the glalaxy.

as it progressed they found a "ship" that transported them... which in turn led them to the stars and diffrent types of space travel... ultimately running into an alien species. the series was leading up to another alien culture that was "evil" where as the first was helpful.

thats about what i can remember of it asisiad.. it was written intheearly 80s i think.

if anyone can point me intherightdirection to tracking it down... ild be greatful. imsureits out of print now.. but ild stilllike to track it down

thanks in advance

i hate to necro this thread.... but i am still looking for this series. it was not the Giant's series... though i did end up reading it... very good series....

if anyone has any ideas.. please let me know
Hm, 'found on the moons of saturn' sounds like Grant Callin's 'Saturnalia' and 'A Lion on Tharthee' from the '80s but the other plot points are a weak Saturnalia, an alien race has left 'clues' hidden around the Saturn system with the final cache 'floating' on Saturn's surface, requiring an engineering race to build a combo spaceship/submarine to go get it. The second book does involve humanity finding a ship that the aliens left for us in system orbit which will take us to go meet them. Memorable things: the protagonist was named 'Dr. Kurious Whitedimple' and his best friend was a somewhat mutated gnome called 'Junior.' He lived (originally) in an L5 colony named 'Spacehome', if that rings any bells. The aliens are dubbed 'Hexies' because of their fondness for the number 6 in their hidden messages.

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