Who said that?


The last Roman
May 8, 2006
Since we're twiddling our thumbs until ADWD comes out hopefully in the Autumn, i thought a game of 'Who said that' could help pass the time.
The game is simple enough- a quote from any of the ASOIAF books is posted by whoever's turn it is. Anyone else is then free to guess the speaker of the posted quote. The person who guesses correctly then takes a turn posting a quote, and will tell people "correct" or "incorrect" as they guess at his/her quote.

Ok, i'll start of with:

"Is there anything as pointless as a king without a kingdom?"
Nope,nope nope and nope ;)

Someone affiliated with Renly before his demise

I'd love an informed guess, maybe you should consult some of the er...*cough*ASOS*cough*..books?
First of all I think the books really need a table of contents...I hate having to search through for all the Catelyn chapters or whichever character I'm looking for.

Mace Tyrell and I've discovered my books are falling apart:(

"I wish you could see yourself, my lady. You are so beautiful"
My guess would be Tywin to Tyrion about Robb (after Robb loses winterfell and the north to the ironborn) but like everyone else I am too lazy to check.
Guys, I think Lauren is confident in her guess - Mace Tyrell - and has thus put a new quote into play. Unless you think Tywin is calling Tyrion beautiful...?
