I need help finding an author.


New Member
Jan 24, 2005
When I was younger, I read two great books by the same author, but I can't remember either title, nor the author. I remember that in the first book, it followed a mage and his friendship with a warrior, but as the warrior became really powerful, it was up to the mage to stop him. In the second (It may have been an anthology bound into one), I remember there was this woman who was fighting this other evil woman. I remember distinctly that the evil woman tried to court the protagonist, but was rejected. The protagonist was sent to the mines, and was rescued by this other woman, and they became lovers. Then, the protagonist had to help a child gain powers or something, to overcome the evil woman. At any rate, I remember both books being quite thick (700-800, aybe), and being very fun to read. It would help a lot if anyone can give me either a title or the name of the author. Thank you very much!
Both sound like quite a few books I've read but there aren't enough specifics to really judge. Do you have any other info? Any place or people names, strange artifacts or unusual happenings that might direct us further?
Hmmm, well, I do recall a few things, but I want to give a notice about


Well, I remember that in the book with the female protagonist, after she made the female antagonist mad, she was sent to like salt mines. There, the workers were fed like a mind control gruel. Her overseer gradually weened her off of the gruel, and turned out to be a queen in disguise (Maybe something like Selenia or around there?) At any rate, the two escaped together and became lovers. That's really the only specific details I can give, sorry!

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