The real question is what happens when 10 people ask the robot to do something all at the same time? What do you see robot? So the robot describes the limited view of what the video is showing us. Problem is, the robot is facing an extremely large open area with plenty of stuff in its view, plus another robot standing in the background, and there are probably a lot of lights. It could have replied the way it did if it was asked to describe what was on the table or what was within 5 feet of it. To see how the robot really works, and not some staged show like a pop music video, show the robot a ceramic cup and a pitcher of water. Tell it to break the cup, and then pour water into the cup without spilling a drop. The show ends with the words that all these robots will need a digital platform to operate from. This robotic scheme will also require a lot of electrical power. When you're using your robot that you don't own, does it have a meter running like a taxi?