Favorite Lines From The Harry Potter Series...

"I am not worried, Harry," said Dumbledore, his voice a little stronger despite the freezing water. "I am with you." - Such a lovely line.

Dumbledore: "...I took a wrong turn on the way to the bathroom and found myself in a beautifully proportioned room I had never seen before, containing a really rather magnificent collection of chamberpots. When I went back to investigate more closely, I discovered that the room had vanished. But I must keep an eye out for it. Possibly it is only accessible at five thirty in the morning. Or it may only appear at the quarter moon - or when the seeker has an exceptionally full bladder." - This is fantastic because it is our introduction to the Room of Requirement without us even realising it.

Ron: "...from now on, I don't care if my tea leaves spell 'die, Ron, die,' I'm chucking them in the bin where they belong." - This always makes me laugh :D
First thing that comes to mind is when Ron and the twins rescue Harry in CoS. Either F or G is picking a lock so they can get Harry's things and says something like "Most wizards think muggle tricks like this are a waste of time, but we think they're skills worth knowing." Classic Fred and George.
i don't know about the molly line being my fave quote. but then i kinda felt i was right with her on the point of it all. *shrugs*I'm weary of rereading the last book until the movies are over. so I'm trying not to remember lines in 7 too much atm. *shies away from the nonspoilerific fabulous quotes from book 7.*

my favorite HP quote is actually in the first book and always has been... it's Hermione's line in the 1st book and in the 1st movie: Me! books and cleverness? There are more important things--friendship and bravery and--oh harry --be careful!

I think in the movie they add a "just" in there. but that will always be my top favorite quote from the books. then of course there are tons of best lines from Fred and George, Luna, and Dumblydore of course ad neville get his in there too.

movie wise my other fave lines so far are both in CoS: Ron "why is it follow the spiders? why cant it be follow the butterflies?" and then Draco "Scared potter?" Harry "You wish!"
One of my favourites is from Dumbledore, I forget which book. It pulled me out of quite a deep depression at one point.

"Happiness can be found in even the darkest times, if only one remembers to turn on the light"

Aaaand pretty much the entire 7th book.
Asmiley! Haven't seen you around for a while :)

Just saw this and wanted to add it:

Luna: "The Aurors are part of the Rotfang Conspiracy, I thought everyone knew that. They're working from within to bring down the Ministry of Magic using a combination of Dark magic and gum disease." :D
One of my favourites is from Dumbledore, I forget which book. It pulled me out of quite a deep depression at one point.

"Happiness can be found in even the darkest times, if only one remembers to turn on the light"

Aaaand pretty much the entire 7th book.

I feel like that quote is from The Philosopher's Stone I could be wrong though.

Hmm... My favorite line would probably be "You could have gotten us killed... Or worse, expelled!"
Yes, yes, yes! "Not my daughter, you bitch!" one of my fave lines, ^_^
Oh, it's so cool they kept it in the movie. :)
"Do not pity the dead, Harry. Pity the living, and, above all, those who live without love."

"I would assume that you were going to offer me refreshment, but the evidence so far suggests that that would be optimistic to the point of foolishness."

- Albus Dumbledore

Dumbledore had all the best quotes.
I think I agree with all these as favourite lines from the books, but: -

I liked book 5 when they're talking about Cho and what she's feeling and Hermione spends a whole large paragraph talking about Cho when Ron says:
"No one could feel that much at once, they'd explode."
(Hermione): "Just because you've got the emoational range of a teaspoon doesn't mean we all have."

Or, roughly that...I'm glad they kept some semblance of it in the movie at any rate. Loved that OotP included some lines straight from the book.

This is always a stand out line for me in the books! And no matter how often I read them, I always laugh at this one!!!

Pretty much anythin Luna says either gets me laughing... or really thinking! As a character, she was really well written and underneath all the oddness of her is someone who really does see what's going on and knows well how to interpret it ;)
"Do not pity the dead, Harry, pity the living. And above all, those who live without love."
"Well of course it's in your head Harry. But why should that mean it isn't real?"
Profound quote on the nature of reality.
One of my favourites is from Dumbledore, I forget which book. It pulled me out of quite a deep depression at one point.

"Happiness can be found in even the darkest times, if only one remembers to turn on the light"

This quote is from Prisoner of Azkaban I believe :) and it is a brilliant quote as well :D
"There'll be killin' next!" by Hagrid. Followed by "I can only hope that your successor will manage to prevent any - ah - killins" by Lucius in CoS is one that I always felt didn't get enough credit. Perfectly simple characterization in there.
My favorite line in the series belongs to Mr Filch. Its from the first movie right after they get in trouble and are sent to detention in the forest with Haggrid.

"I remember when detention would see you hanging by your thumbs in the dungeons. God, I miss the screaming." I hadn't read any of the books before I got to see the first movie and afterwards I immediately went out and got the rest that were out at the time. That one line struck a cord of dark humor in me and I just had to know what else the series had produced.
The truth is a beautiful and terrible thing, and should therefore be treated with caution - Dumbledore, Sorcerer's Stone.

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