Character Creation Chain


Lady of Autumn
Oct 26, 2006
Lincolnshire, UK
I saw this on the creative writing section of another forum, so I thought I'd see how it goes here. Apologies if there's already something like this here already.

In essence, all you have to do is to write a description based on the character name provided by the person above. It can be from any genre - as long as the name fits the character - and then post a name for the next person to write about. I'll give an example, and then we'll see how it goes.

An example, then:

Shiria Estellan
A simple girl who makes her living by selling the flowers she finds in the countryside. She is small and slender, with a shy disposition, and dislikes confrontations. Dark haired and blue eyed, she dreams of having a more fulfilling existence.

Ok, like that. The name I'll suggest now is:

Karasel Dori
Karasel Dori

A dizzy young woman who can't make up her mind on even the simplest choices. Her long, brown hair is always a mess, and her gangly legs seem to tie each other in knots, giving people the idea that Karasel is a very clumsy individual.


Frederick Geltina
Frederick Geltina:

A grizzled, greying war veteran who likes to remember "the good old days". Tall and still well built despite his advancing age, he is frequently spotted in the local tavern, drinking ale with his war buddies.

Alwyn Swift
Alwyn Swift:

Carefree and adventurous Alwyn is known as a ladies man. He is always very generous with his coin. He might as well be; with the reputation he has for how he acquires it. At first glance you don't even really notice him Brown hair, medium build; If you have the chance to glance in his dark black eyes though you'll never forget him.

Revera Mortania
Revera Mortania:

Don't be fooled by her poise, charm, and beauty. Revera often uses her dark, seductive looks to lure unsuspecting men into lives filled with deceit and crime. So far, all of her victims have remained fiercely loyal to her, even when she leaves them holding the bag.

Takashi O'Brien
Takashi O'Brien:

A rather shy, bookish young man who dreams of being a writer. Hampered by low self confidence, however, he keeps all of his writing to himself. Takashi is quite tall and skinny, with longish black hair and dark eyes, and is very much a loner.

Alina Tisman
Alina Tisman

An outstanding engineer and general fix-it person, Alina was rescued from the wreck of a colony on Altair IV by a passing tramp cargo ship. Taken in by the crew, she knows the workings of space-ship engines inside-out and back to front.
She is short and stubby, with calloused hands and short-cut dark hair. Normally she wears grubby overalls, but on shore-leave, she enjoys showing off her large collection of ethnic clothing from around the local cluster.
Alina has a wicked sense of humour, with a penchant for practical jokes. However, she has a sentimental side, and enjoys reading trashy inter-species romance novels.

Carsoram vo'Dorii
Okay,here goes:
Carsoram vo'Dorii is a "Realpolitiker" ,an alien diplomat well aware of the differences between the various sentient species in the galaxy.He is originally from a gas giant,and is always aware of his vulnerability,to the point of being phobic about it.He looks slightly like a delta-wing,has no eyes,but a keenly developed acoustic sense,and the equivalent of a lateral-line system like fishes have.He has no limbs with which to manipulate physical objects.
If one had to describe him(or rather,it) in human terms the words tenacious,empathic(but slightly aloof) come to mind.He/she/it has a keenly developed sense of justice,and severely dislikes the use of violence.
AND he knows:

M'Danth.(guttural sound,almost unpronouncable)/followed by dolphinlike squeak


One of the great dragons of old, who watches the passage of time from his vantage point among the clouds. Golden in colour, aside from the silver that colours his muzzle and shows his great age, and he is wise beyond all knowing. He prefers to keep out of the way of humans, believing them to be a small and belligerent race.

Timon Merkur
Timon Merkur

A short, furry chap, from the Rim Worlds.
Originally bred as servants from Meercat stock, his species revolted against their owners nearly 200 years ago, and now occupy a pair of planets in the Algenib system. He is a trader in exotic woods and textiles, and drives a hard bargain - woe betide anyone who underestimates him because of his somewhat comical, lovable appearance.
He has four wives at present, and is in negotiation for his fifth. Although he pleads poverty, his wives and children enjoy a high standard of living, due to his bargaining skills
He wears no clothing, except on frigid worlds, but always has his MasterTrader seal around his neck on a silver chain.

Darazoon Barantor IV
Darazoon Barantor IV, who in other circumstances would like to let you in on who he is, has regretfully declined comment, on the basis that it would ruin his mysterious nature and quite possibly compromise his security. He goes on to say that his secret guild of intergalactic thieves, known fittingly as the Black Holes, since whatever surrounds them seems to disappear, is not, in fact, his band nor should they be held accountable for any of the stolen goods sold to Nursa Minor's outlying settlements, which led to three blood feuds, the usurping of a dozen local governments, and the inflation of Microwave Oven prices. He wishes, also, that people stop blaming him for the Earth II incident, in which a large portion of pancakes was stolen as a diversion to the real theft, which was that of the planet itself. He declines to comment any further on the matter, but does admit the person responsible for the theft must be equally cunning and handsome as he, and with a taste for theatrics, which he says any man of this caliber would have to have in order to steel an entire planet using a tire iron and the chassis of a 1975 Plymouth Satellite (an ironic name that the manufacturers would have changed had they known the fate of this particular vehicle; as a result, all owners of 1975 Plymouth Satellites have been subsequently hunted down, detained, asked to ingest a green substance which made their heads feel very floaty, and killed - in a humane and cleanly fashion). He would also like to quell any rumors that he might be staying on Europa and goes on to say that if he had been staying there, he'd be sure to build a nice bungola beside one particularly beautiful ice ocean in the Northern Hemisphere, but would make sure it was close enough to the Albus Plains so he could enjoy the sunsets from the rear window of his abode. He can not be reached by intersteller phone, as he does not own one, but left his number in case any Wooblickian females would like to give him a call and come over for dinner.

Julian Mormount
Julian Mormount

Heir to the Mormount Foundation, which does extensive research into space exploration. A secretive man; no-one really knows his objectives or motives, and very little is known about his personal life. Aside from his extremely wealthy status and a list of pastimes which includes dangerous sports, the only thing that is known about him is that he has brown hair, blue eyes, and that he is of medium height.

Tyria Shel'tiar
(Good one, CM!)

He has a clone-brother - Julian Mormount II

A famous 3-d feelie critic, Julian is most commonly seen wearing his trademark full-length purple cloak with the gold clasps. Able to kill a complete career with an off-hand remark. he is hated and feared by the entire acting profession of Old Earth.
In private, however, he is a modest, unassuming man who insists that he is only doing his job, has a devoted wife and one son. called Montmorency.
Enjoys seafood, Crepes Susette, and is a wine-buff of the highest calibre.
Gets on well with his progenitor (see above)

Tyria Shel'tiar
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Tyria Shel'tiar is a ******* daughter of the ancient Al'tiar line of Kings and Queens of the Thousand Kingdoms. She is scorned by her seven true-born siblings, mostly due to the favouritism shown her by her father. But with her father ailing, and her sister Qinnia set to take the throne, Tyria is all too aware that soon she will be on her own, left to fend for herself in a nest of vipers. She could leave, of course, but that would be the easy option... and she was never one to take the easy option.

Shalim Shalim Shalim
Shalim Shalm Shalim comes from the land of Uleiva, a desert land known for it's production of fine wools and bizarre magics. Shalim ShalimShalim Shalim is not one to differ much from the common description of an Uleivian. He dresses in gilded fabrics and practices magics of grand illusion of the type only seen in the Markets of Ulevia. This hides the fact he is, in fact, a cunning thief of the highest order and robs all the well to do folks he encounters in the Ulevia markets.

Mordrena Kalshern
Mordrena Kalshern is the youngest of the seven daughters of Abidus Kalshern, the Sage of the Wandering Sands. Being the seventh, she is called the Lucina Elmerda, the Luck of the Desert People. There was a time where that name meant something to her, but as of late it has been something of a curse. She's been hunted by the veiled assassins of the Mansur for a decade. Without knowing the true motivation of the godless king she has harmed, even killed to steer clear of capture. She is unaware that Abidus's seventh wife, the mother that she thought died in the birthing baths, was a Wailing Sister, and Mordrena, being the seventh seed of her father's making and of her mother's whom, is an immortal. The Mansur could rule a thousand years, over a hundred kingdoms, with but one pint of her blood...

(a one word name for ya)


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