Need help finding source - Star Trek: The Magazine Feb 2003 on Romulans.


New Member
Oct 8, 2006

Hi all.

I'm working on my Masters in Ancient Cultures looking at the Romulan Star Empire's usage of Roman mythology and Roman civilization. There is one NB quote I have found on the internet (wikipedia and others) that has Paul Schneider (who created the Romulans) stating:

"…it [the Romulan Star Empire] was a matter of developing a good Romanesque of admirable antagonists…an extension of the Roman civilization to the point of space travel.”

It comes from either Star Trek: The Magazine volume 3 number 10 (February 2003) or volume 3 number 11 (March 2003).

Do any of you have this magazine? If you do then it would be brilliant if you could send me the reference to it. Eg. page number (NB), author, copyright. For academia internet is never as good as the written word.

Damian Klop


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