Aliens, The Ancient World and The Unexplainable...

Hi Brian, don't know if you check all these posts but it would be nice to see this thread revived, it has so much potentials in the world of possibileties. Maybe rename it with similar topics.
sorry about disappearing there for a while, but i haven't had time to read that article yet. Later tonight when i get home from classes, i'll seat down and read it and reply with a half *** response.
I'll be back tonight also and see if I can concoct an eye oppener in an effort to revive interest in this thread. As a student Aftermath I hope I can oppen your mind to new ideas.
What about these abductions we hear about. Alien or our own? There are some rumers of abductees having been abducted by our own militarty for some type of bizar tests and experiments. Aliens? why all the cloak and dager stuff and the flitting between trees in the dark shadows of the night to snatch someone off their feet and beaming them aboard their ship and doing the same to these abductees as our military people. That don't make sense, Why would the aliens take a chance of exposing themselves to possible danger, harm or capture of themselves and maybe one of their crafts, just to abduct someone? and why would they use any surgical tools of any kind? These beings that have been around, evolving for billions of years? Beings so far more supperior and advanced then we are that to see their technology would all apear like majic to you, like Merline the wizard or one of those wizards with the funny hats waving their wands and poof your in wonderland like those Walt Disny cartoons. What do you need a scalpol for if a beam of energy can do the same without even leaving any trace of lacerations. If they were malevolent would we still be here? Now they have discovered sugger molicules floating around in interstelar space. One of the building blocks for life.;) If their not here yet it's only because they got delayed getting here when they took a left instead of a right at Albequirki and got lost and had to take a detoor by Bugtussle to get back on I 75 to Earth.
I still can't find my map!!!! I know its on this planet somewhere... i think. maybe it's on venus..hmm

Anyway, I have to agree with you on this one. I don't believe that aliens have been abducting people. I don't believe it was the military neither. I think it is just people wanting to grab attenion. If the military was running tests on humans, and they were abducting people, they wouldn't let them go. That person would have too much knowledge, and the side effects would be unknown since it was a test. No. they would use soldiers that would agree to it. Easy to cover that way.

And why would aliens even have to cut open our bodies? We have the technology look inside a human body and are to pick out details. If an advance race would from halfway across the universe to earth, I'd imagine their technology would far surpass ours all allow them to probe a human without having to touch you dirty... i mean us, humans.

Maybe I left it in that diner...
Which dinner? Porky Joes on station FLX stationary orbit over Pluto or Ma's Dinner on station W75T statinary orbit over Venus? I don't think there is another one till you get to either Beatlguise or Alpha Centuri. Didn't you read the sign on the wall at Porky Joes? It sayd last chance to stock up on supplies for next 36,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. miles. Long walk if you get a flat tiere. There apears to be there is going to be a slight complication in the retrievel of your map Sir Aftermath. I'll get smart by tomorow I promiss:p
I don't believe in aliens and believe that if there are any other life forms in the universe that they are unintelligent. I believe humans are the most intelligent life forms in our finite universe.
I find it difficult to believe that with all the stars and potential for life in this universe that Humanity is the only intelligent species. The universe is finite but it is also vast compared to us and our capabilities.

However, I'm also inclined to think that there is a strong potential for diversity and that any life outside of Earth has a higher probability of being very different from anything we know.

Has anyone thought about the possibilities for what lies beyond the horizon of space? Since contemporary wisdom suggests that space is curved--either saddle shaped or spherical--then this implies a "horizon" just like on Earth. We cannot see over this horizon no matter how powerful our telescopes are.
I do believe that there are advanced alien civilizations out there. UFOs? Having seen a few myself, I know that there's something going on. I think something happened at Roswell. Abductions? Over ten years ago, I had a severe head injury; following that, I had bizarre episodes, seizures, during which I heard voices and saw things. For awhile, I thought that I was being abducted but I wasn't.

Now, I also believe that humans have lived on this planet for a long time, even thousands of years; I believe that there were highly advanced civilizations on this world--yes, advanced enough to have interplanetary or interstellar colonies.

I do not believe in aliens. If there is any life out there it isn't intelligent. Humans are the cleverest lifeforms in the universe.
Eldo said:

I do not believe in aliens. If there is any life out there it isn't intelligent. Humans are the cleverest lifeforms in the universe.

As I don't think they're even the cleverest lifeform on Earth, this axiom is very doubful from my point of view.

Given the size of universe, and given the fact we don't know for sure what's sentience and what's not, ithe question of the existence of aliens may stay unanswered for a long time. AFAIK, stars may be sentient beings.
I'm probably with Leto on this one. I guess it's unlikely we (this generation) will ever know for sure.
I'd love to think that the Universe is teeming with life and that there are many many forms of intelligent life out there. It is galling to realise that because of the mind-bogglingly huge size of the place, we are really pretty unlikely to make contact with any of them. Maybe things like SETI are a good start although it seems like a very long shot.
alien abductions? - I don't think so. probably just confused, mistaken or attention seeking humans there.
Von Daniken? - Haven't read any of his stuff but I get the impression that he was generally considered to have been a bit of an imaginative opportunist cashing in on people's desire to explore the unknown.
Danikens was a dreamer and he came up with some ideas that debunkers wrere hard put at debunking.

Here is my theory, just a theory.

Now, I also believe that humans have lived on this planet for a long time, even thousands of years; I believe that there were highly advanced civilizations on this world--yes, advanced enough to have interplanetary or interstellar colonies.

I believe in an ancient cyvilisation having been here in our distant prehistoric past, and possibly even on Mars when Mars was wet and more favorable for life. If there are artifacts on Mars it will not surprise me if there is a connection with ours. If we can find any artificial artifacts on Mars and they turn out to be similar in architecture and construct with any of the ancient artifacts here on Earth then even the missing link could maybe found here as well. Supervised evolution and the supervisiors I name the watchers.

Now Imagine us being somewhere half way outwards from the center of the universe or massive black hole where the big bang originated from, and in the premordial soup of the big bang was all the building blocks to make everything thing there exists in the universe, including life itself. These building blocks for life would travel through space in cosmic dust, meteors, asteroids and comets, and eventually fall into the atmosphere of a planet with a suitable environment to form this life. Now our being only half way from the center of the universe this would make us a faiirly young planetary star system compared to one in the outermost fringes of the universe, the outer one being nearly twice as old.
Even traveling at just bellow light speed inteligent beings from this older planetary star system could have made it here to this very planet millions of years before even homoerctus climbed down out of his/her tree and walked upright on his/her two legs.

Now if inteligent life in this older planetary system made it here that long ago to be sure if they meant us harm, on a grand scale or individually, they would have by now. I believe they had a hand in creating man from homoerectus genetically crossed with their own (brain) genes,

On examining the human body and that of most animals all our interior organs are the same, what diferentiates us from the enaimal kingdom is the (brain). At the begining the watchers remained to closly observed the development of their work, Then later left taking their technology with them. If that is so they are still out there possibly in interdimentionaly cloaked ships, what better place to hide.

Or their race being is so old they may have expired, but I don't believes so, least ways not entirely. I believe they are the grandfathers the north Amarican native speak about and they are called (The Grand Father Stars) and we are the star children and someday the star children will return to the granfather stars, that is the legend.
I like to think of mythology as metaphors rather than literal interpretations of reality. I believe that God is immanent in and transcends Nature. Then I can say that the Sun is my Father and the Earth is my Mother and would not be far wrong. Space and everything within it are the "ancestors" (the "Sidhe" in Celtic myth).

However, because of the fossil record and other evidence, including genetic, I am still inclined to believe that Humanity evolved naturally right here on Earth without "extraterrestrial" intervention.

EDIT: Of course, I like to look at other ideas anyway. Although I respect the scientific method, I do not forget that it is based on certain assumptions that cannot be proven. Theory also relies on the interpretation of empirical evidence, and different people tend to derive different interpretations from the same source all the time. In other words, the "interpretation" that humanity evolved on Earth without intervention may be wrong, which leaves other possibilities open.
Einstein said there were infinite potentialities .

Her is a portion I have written in psychic waves @ thought stealers in another part of this site (science/Nature)

Indeed, even if the halves are divided again, each snippet of film will always be found to contain a smaller but intact version of the original image. Unlike normal photographs, every part of a hologram contains all the information possessed by the whole. The "whole in every part" nature of a hologram provides us with an entirely new way of understanding organization and order. For most of its history, Western science has labored under the bias that the best way to understand a physical phenomenon, whether a frog or an atom, is to dissect it and study its respective parts. A hologram teaches us that some things in the universe may not lend themselves to this approach. If we try to take apart something constructed holographically, we will not get the pieces of which it is made; we will only get smaller wholes.

This, says Bohm, is precisely what is going on between the subatomic
particles in Aspect's experiment. According to Bohm, the apparent faster-than-light connection between subatomic particles is really telling us that there is a deeper level of reality we are not privy to, a more complex dimension beyond our own that is analogous to the aquarium. And, he adds, we view objects such as subatomic particles as separate from one another because we are seeing only a portion of their reality. Such particles are not separate "parts", but facets of a deeper and more underlying unity that is ultimately as holographic and indivisible as the previously mentioned rose. And since everything in physical reality is comprised of these "eidolons", the universe is itself a projection, a hologram. In addition to its phantomlike
nature, such a universe would possess other rather startling features.
If the apparent separateness of subatomic particles is illusory, it means that at a deeper level of reality all things in the universe are infinitely interconnected.

In a holographic universe, even time and space could no longer be viewed as fundamentals. Because concepts such as location break down in a universe in which nothing is truly separate from anything else, time and three-dimensional space, like the images of the fish on the TV monitors, would also have to be viewed as projections of this deeper order.

Interesting how you managed to tie in both concepts in my post for that reply, Maryjane. That is pretty much how I perceive things. There is the illusion of separation, and there is the deeper reality that transcends the illusion and is present both within and without. The deeper reality
Maryjane said:
I believe they are the grandfathers the north Amarican native speak about and they are called (The Grand Father Stars) and we are the star children and someday the star children will return to the granfather stars, that is the legend.
Oh, I like that MJ "the children of stars". :)

Michael said:
However, because of the fossil record and other evidence, including genetic, I am still inclined to believe that Humanity evolved naturally right here on Earth without "extraterrestrial" intervention.
I agree with you, Michael.

Still, we have to keep in mind the milions of years of humanity on this planet. There are too many flood legends, not to believe them. If in the past, one of those lost civilization managed to fly and went into another region of the world less advanced (not to say primitive), well the second one, could draw on thier caves the gods from the sky. More I thonk about this, more I am inclined to believe this could be the explanation. After all, look around on Earth as we know it in this moment. On one hand we have countries with a space program and on the other hand, there are countries where you can find primitive tribes (like on the Amazon or in Africa).

With every new-born child, humanity has a new chance to create a better or a worse world. I only hope in a better one.
I believe in aliens, because I belive in statistics. There are more planets in the universe, than you could count. Even if only each bilionth planet would host life, then there would be milions of such planets and if you got some milion planets with life, then there surely is at least one with inteligent life. It's all about probability....

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