1.19: The Siege (Part 1)


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Jan 5, 2001
Way on Down South, London Town
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Alright! At the very last moment they remember the orbital platform from 'The Defiant One' that they forgot about...
originally posted by me
They find an Ancient orbital weapons platform only twelve hours journey from Atlantis, but they ignore that instead to go visit a crashed Wraith ship. The Wraith ship might have interesting technology, even though the Ancient weapons platform had technology that knocked it down.
Unfortunately, after spending time getting it working it only knocks out one of the three Wraith Hive ships. Two Hive ships and an armada of Darts remain headed for Atlantis, and for Earth.

The subplot consisted of them finding the pilot of the Dart ship that self-destructed (I think it was in 'Sanctuary'.) He has been roaming free in Atlantis for "two weeks". Unfortunately, Shepherd kills him before he tells anything of importance.

Two more people die this week and one more Naquidah generator is lost -- we are going to have to do one of those 'Star Trek: Voyager' head counts on people, Naquidah generators and puddle jumpers soon.

Other than that this was a disappointing ep. It was just yet another build up to next week when the Wraith actually arrive.
Apart from the points above, I did enjoy it. I cant believe they killed off the Brit guy!!!

I am more concerned where this is heading.

Ive got a sneaky feeling a 5 second conversation in SG1 Reckoning PT1 is going to appear to save the day.

I think I may just kick the TV if that happens!!
Yeah, i liked it too. Poor Grodin - you just knew he'd had it when he said "come back for me!" But it was still really sweet.

Ohh and McKay was fun as always: the conversation with Zolenka ("yes, i know i'm indispensible everywhere"), the anti-grav thing, the rock-paper-scissors..... :D

Originally posted by Dave
Two more people die this week

Really? Do you mean Bates? Did he actually die? Or was Beckett still holding out? I can't remember now, but whilst i was watching it i got the impression he's gonna be okay.

Also now the wraith dart which just exploded makes much more sense. And you have to wonder what he's told the armada.
Originally posted by Maria8475
Really? Do you mean Bates? Did he actually die? Or was Beckett still holding out? I can't remember now, but whilst i was watching it i got the impression he's gonna be okay.

I guess I was assuming too much then. :rolleyes: We'll have to see next week. What was odd was that Bates was attacked by the Wraith, a Wraith that had not fed for at least two weeks, yet rather than feeding on Bates as it must have wanted to, it instead hit him on the head with some kind of blunt implement. That doean't make much sense to me.
Originally posted by RangerOne SG13 SOR
Ive got a sneaky feeling a 5 second conversation in SG1 Reckoning PT1 is going to appear to save the day.

I've see part 2 and I can't remember that conversation, but think you may be right. What was it? (Post it in Spoilers, or in the part 2 thread if you like, but I'm curious)

Sorry to hear about your TV set!
Originally posted by Dave
Alright! At the very last moment they remember the orbital platform from 'The Defiant One' that they forgot about...

I enjoyed the episode, but . .

I had no idea that the platform was located in the same system as Atlantis.
Maybe I missed that detail, but it surprised me.

And I'm still puzzled by the lack of researching the platform.

If they took a look at it they might have figured it out for themselves how to make more.
Or! What about the Ancient Database? Couldn't they have researched it from Atlantis and mentioned that a few times in the episodes between?

Sometimes a throw away line would really help in believability.

Now a show should have some surprises, but it is hard to deal with characters that do not show logic when there character and situations dictated they should.

One thing that really takes away from this . . the set is beautiful . . they probably wont destroy it . .

Now if it was a dump, than we might have ended up with a whole new twist to the story.
Originally posted by McHorde-Trooper
I had no idea that the platform was located in the same system as Atlantis.
Maybe I missed that detail, but it surprised me.
That part, at least, is correct, they took a puddle jumper but didn't use a Gate, and it was a long journey (I can't remember exactly.)

I agree with the rest of your analysis though. They should have taken several puddle jumpers, and one with military personnel, and when they got side-tracked to investigate the ship on the planet, they should have returned to investigate the platform later. I said at the time that a platform that can shoot down a Dart is much more interesting than the Dart itself!

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