1.17: Letter From Pegasus


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Staff member
Jan 5, 2001
Way on Down South, London Town
Creating topic, remember you
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Spoiler (I keep forgetting sorry!)

A good ep, not too many flashbacks. Sheppard was surprisingly hard though. McKay!! What would we do without him? God, I love him in a weird way lol. Not quite what I expected when everyone said Sam Carter would be in it! What part of the SG1 timeline does it run along with?
I liked this for the character development, but there wasn't anything substantial to the story. It was good to see more minor characters again. The Wraith threat does appear to be invincible.
Originally posted by space monkey
Sheppard was surprisingly hard though.
I don't know that he was, they can't rescue everyone and that was shown. I actually liked the way his views and those of Teyla grew together; he was never going to leave her behind, he was just bluffing IMHO.
What part of the SG1 timeline does it run along with?
It could be anywhere really.
I read that there is some big cross-over in the final episodes of both series this Season,
but I don't know exactly what and don't want to yet. If it came just before 'Moebius part one' SG1, then it would explain why big spoiler and some guesswork
They feel the need to time travel with all the possible things that could go wrong, in order to get a ZPM, to be able to contact Atlantis. A guess from next week's ep title is that they might send a ZPM to Atlantis!!

You just have to love that man.

Another good episode and the tension is really building up to the season finale,

And Dave thats the same conclusion I got after watching Mobius.

Lots of great comedy and sad moments from video diaries.

The Dr talking to his mum about her toe nail cream, ROFL aat that one.

I never expected Atlantis to be as good as it is.

Ok that brings me on to my next point.... Leadership


A good episode, I didn't notice it was a kind of flashbacks episode until I see the scenes in the messages of the members of the team. Definitely an original way to put it and I agree with Space Monkey not too much flashbacks, so I could enjoy it.

The attack of the Wraith on the planet was portray very good and one could imagine what would feel a person in a situation like that. Specially is you have to look and not do much about it.

Krystal :p
I thought it was an enjoyable episode.

True not a lot of stuff happened, but it is a good set up and the characters were well done.

And like almost everyone else said there wasn't too many flashbacks. It almost didn't seem like a flashback episode because they had a lot of things going on that were not flashbacks.

I don't think this is a spoiler, but . .
I think it's really cool that they got a message back to Earth.
I don't know how to make this so it will be covered as a spoiler so I will just refer to the post before mine.

How come "that" was never mentioned on SG-1. At least some mention shoudl have been made I thought.
I agree that there should have been.

I can only guess that they did it not to 'spoil' Atlantis. Although I got to watch them in the UK in parallel, many people aroung the world have not yet seen Atlantis, but have seen all of SG-1 Season 8.
Originally posted by HeyLynny
I don't know how to make this so it will be covered as a spoiler so I will just refer to the post before mine.

How come "that" was never mentioned on SG-1. At least some mention should have been made I thought.

I have a theory on that . . I don't think they wanted to tie that event to a specific part of the timeline.

Which dodges questions about when SG-1 worked on the info.

Though ironically an episode of SG-1 had a newspaper that talked about Atlantic being attacked.

It would be nice if SG-1 would have had a few throw away references to help tie things together more though.

Note: Spoiler tages are like {spoiler} {/spoiler}
But replace "{}" with "[]"

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