what house..quiz

I agree that most places sort you according to pretty random questions, this is more like a personality test. And apparently, I am a Slytherin. :D
I'm a Ravenclaw.

Funny cos i predicted Hufflepuff and that was my lowest ranking match :D
Maybe we should have a poll?

It's weird that there aren't any Gryffindors yet, isn't that normally the most popular house? :rolleyes:
Awe poor Tim - is it trying to say you have evil tendancies?? ;)

annette :)
I have nothing against Slytherin. The poll thing said that I am competitive, like a challenge, work better on my own, am impatient and rash, and will go to any lengths to get what I want. That pretty much describes me, and I'm not evil. :p
i want to be in gyriffindor, or at least ravenclaw, but not slytherin:(:rolly2:
Gryffindor here

Gryffindor : You are the faithful civil servants of the wizarding world--warriors, teachers, and leaders--who both guide and protect your peers from harm. You like being around people, and helping those who need it. You are brave enough to face danger when others are threatened, and even put your life on the line if need be, but you won't do it needlessly. Unlike the other Houses, it isn't the need for fame or accomplishments that motivates you. You enjoy the simple act of helping others, and working with people who feel the same way. You have great faith in your fellow wizards, and won't make assumptions about anyone. You have been given great responsibility, and take it very seriously, though sometimes the job is difficult and gets you down.

Hufflepuff, got that somewhere else as well, so it should be right
my second strangely was gryffindor, then again it is the ultimate leftover house, i mean Ravenclaw = smart people Slytherin = Egoists a bit Hufflepuff = hard loyal workers Gryffindor all else, cause lets face it everone has some type of courage

now i know everyone got the other houses characteristics as well to some degree, but the way i see it, the other houses charasteristics determine the housechoosing more

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