Wanted: Blakes 7 video game

Somehow, at the moment I think "AMS/B7E" will have more problems right now, with anything connected to doing new "B7" after the departure of "PAUL" from the project - which they seem to be quiet about!

Than their plans for any "B7" computer game or, "cartoon" based on the original episodes than new ones, etc!

They have certainly alienated/angered the fans that used their recent so-called "official website"!!! Seems they were/are more interested in making money from "B7" - which means us fans/possible new-generation fans than doing a worthy tribute to the original and other equally good spin-offs - if the TV-movie was/is (if it still gets produced without "AVON" being in it to link it to the original series, that is), successful???

Fans on the Forums I've been on lately hope they now "fall flat on their faces!" :D
Well now.

Aaaaah, just been reading about Paul's departure, suddenly the "lots of **** spin off ideas" makes more sense!

Sheesh. What a palava.

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