2.09 The Man Who Never Was

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Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2000
2.09: The Man Who Never Was

Johnny gets a vision that he's literally disappearing, but his doctor says it's just from being alone too much. Through odd circumstances, Johnny meets a house-ridden old man who is convinced he's disappearing as well. And then, shockingly, the man disappears without a trace he ever existed.
I totally love this episode, it was interesting and funny. Specially I enjoy when Jonny was trying to convince Bruce and Walt that Grissom existed and wasn't some imaginary person. For worst luck, Raul the other person who could back his claim was exiled. :( The thing when he imagine dissapear was cool, also when he sees in his vision Grissom dissapear. I really like the story of Grissom. And found it funny how Johnny use the press to protect himself and Grissom from the goverment guys.

Find hilarious when he says to the Stade's "Is she's really a girl". When he was getting out of the house after touch things. :lol:

Very funny and interesting episode.

Krystal :p
At first I did think that Johnny was having hallucinations or dreaming. Hadn't cottoned onto the fact that it was due to touching the sauce/condiment bottle. Was great special effects tho. It was brilliant when Johnny went back to the disappearing mans house and touched the spot on the floor and 'saw' all the contents being removed. Classic!!!!!

annette :)
Originally posted by Annette
It was brilliant when Johnny went back to the disappearing mans house and touched the spot on the floor and 'saw' all the contents being removed. Classic!!!!!

Yeah, that was a great scene.

Krystal :p
i thought it was a super great move by TPTB to use Robert Culp as the old man. Not only is he a great actor he was a star of the oringional I Spy TV series which gives this a weird feeling.

At the end I was so sure he was going to get it. But i should have known better. Even an old dog like him would still know a few tricks. I beleive that he left (Can't recall what it is) on purpose so that johney and/or viewers would not be hanging. Another great move by the TPTB.

Yeah, it was great that they choose Robert to play the character. He's a great actor and definitely bring more life to the character.

Krystal :p
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