Dead Zone now available on R1 DVD


Save Angel!
Jun 13, 2001
Hey folks, came across the fact that there has been a DVD release of the long first episode of the Dead Zone. Unfortunately for UK fans it has not yet got a UK release, but if you have a multi-region DVD player you can pick up a R1 disc on

Our American and Canadian friends can no doubt get a hold of it wherever they normally buy their dvds.

I am definitely going to pick this up - I have not yet seen the season premiere.
Cool! Thanx for share the news. :p I also missed the premiere of the series.

Krystal :D
I think, I'm gonna wait till there's like a first season boxset. No point in just getting the pilot. I'd love to own the whole first season.;)
Yeh, me too, but I missed this premiere, and I regularly buy stuff and then just sell it later on ebay anyway :D

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