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5.7: Sympathy For the Demon


It goes on.....
Apr 22, 2001
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Cole desperate to be good allows Paige to perform a spell to cast the evil out of him, but repurcussions are not far behind, when the evil emerges and takes the form of a black shadow. When the Charmed ones attempt to help him, they are trapped inside a haunted house, by this new threat.
I am intrigued by this episode by how it plays on the audience's frustration knowing what is going on, while The Charmed One's do not. Phoebe's continued distant feelings regarding Cole really hit home in real life relationships. So far this Season has really grown in depth, maturity, complexity.
ok - this synopsis from tvtome.com actually works better -

Barbas, the Demon of Fear, returns and tricks Paige into giving him Cole's powers, and plots revenge on the Halliwell sisters by playing them against their darkest fears.

I wasn't sure if this was the ep that I'd just seen or not just reading the earlier posts -- (and I could just be really tired)

The ep was pretty good - a little 'weird' - but pretty good --

The nice thing was that you didn't necessarily have to have seen the earlier eps to know what was going on - there were enough comments about previous stuff to keep a newcomer 'informed' -

and is it just me, or is the Cole storyline kinda mirroring the Spike storyline from BtVS? - redeemed evil/bad guy and all? weird ---
After watching the episode, i have to say I can't see where the original synopsis is coming from....weird.

Anyway I liked Barbas in the first place and it was nice to have him back. Was also cool how unlike every other demon she didn't want to become the new source and i thought everone's deepest fears where a lot better this time around especially with Pheobe stabbing Paige.

As for the Spike mirror - hmmm not too sure about that - we have redeemed evil guys all over the place - i think you're just obsessed with Spike! :D

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