1.05: To Sail Beyond The Stars


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Jan 5, 2001
Way on Down South, London Town
1.05: To Sail Beyond The Stars.

Jeremiah faces a deadly renegade group called the "Burners" while falling in love with Claire, a woman who dreams of sailing across the ocean. Meanwhile, Kurty befriends a pregnant woman and delivers her baby.
Another good one, my favorite part was when Kurdy was lecturing Jeremiah about how he always is getting in other people problems and getting in trouble. And when the pregnant woman ask for help, he ask Jeremiah is he was going to help her and Jeremiah says no, and he ends helping her not once but twice including helping her deliver her baby. :lol: That was hilarious and shows how Kurdy have a big heart. Also love the story of Claire and his father and how she was going to see what was beyond the horizon in the ship of his father. The story of the burners was so intense and give this episode the action I love. ;)

How their military tags have the letters VS, and how Jeremiah associate it with Valhalla Sector. So we know that they have armament and are follow a plan burning towns. Interesting pieces to add to the Valhalla Sector enigma.

Krystal :p
First question - Jeremiah tells Eddie that it was Simon that gave him the name - is Simon Captain Amazing, or someone else?

Second question, if Claire was moving up and down the coast looking for fuel, how did she guarantee no one stole her fuel supplies while she was gone?

Moving on, yet another potentially very interesting character bites the dust after a meeting with Jeremiah. I hope the writers aren't planning to kill everyone, I am beginning to get depressed with it, and the fact that all these people are dying apart from Jeremiah and Kurdy is pushing the limits of reality IMO.

I loved the idea of the money wall, and the map with people's names on - very ingenious, and no doubt useful! I liked Eddie's character, and William's - what happened to William anyway? Last I saw was him and Kurdy running out of the pool hall, and then William is nowhere to be seen.

This is the first episode that has begun to make me feel like we are getting somewhere - even though all it really did was plant more rumours and kill off more minor characters. Some of Claire's dialogue was a little stilted and unconvincing, but mostly she did a pretty good job, I would like to see her again.

The further information about what might be Valhalla Sector, and the Burners was fascinating. The Burners seemed to me to be a highly trained military team, very different from all the other attempts at post-apocalyptic organisation we have seen so far. My instinct is to think that they must be acting on behalf of some part of the US or another country that has been able to isolate some of its population from the Death. Perhaps Valhalla Sector is an area where there is an immunity to the death, or where a quarantine has been set up - perhaps the Burners are creating a buffer zone where around the location of VS so that the virus, if it persists, cannot reach that uninfected area.
Those were my questions too, but still the best episode yet.
Originally posted by Tabitha
First question - Jeremiah tells Eddie that it was Simon that gave him the name - is Simon Captain Amazing, or someone else?
:confused: Do you mean Captain Iron? Simon was the man that died in the first episode. The one with the notebook. It is his notebook Jeremiah is using to discover all these places

Originally posted by Tabitha
Second question, if Claire was moving up and down the coast looking for fuel, how did she guarantee no one stole her fuel supplies while she was gone?
It occurred to me that someone would have discovered and looted her store by now. In fact, I'm fairly sure someone would have stolen her yacht too.

Originally posted by Tabitha
the fact that all these people are dying apart from Jeremiah and Kurdy is pushing the limits of reality IMO.....

....This is the first episode that has begun to make me feel like we are getting somewhere - even though all it really did was plant more rumours and kill off more minor characters.
They are stretching crediblity. Also we are loosing interesting characters that could be revisited later.

Originally posted by Tabitha
The further information about what might be Valhalla Sector, and the Burners was fascinating. The Burners seemed to me to be a highly trained military team.

The VS**** dogtags seem to imply this. The hazchem protection suits and hazchem symbol all lead to this conclusion.
Originally posted by Dave

:confused: Do you mean Captain Iron? Simon was the man that died in the first episode. The one with the notebook. It is his notebook Jeremiah is using to discover all these places
Ah, okay - I missed the very first episode, so that would be where my confusion stems from. Of course it didn't help matters that I was banging on about Captain Amazing rather than Captain Iron :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Tabitha

Second question, if Claire was moving up and down the coast looking for fuel, how did she guarantee no one stole her fuel supplies while she was gone?

I have to agree with both of you, I also think that when I see this episode the first time. Also how nobody steal the boat as Dave says, it was big enough to be seem. And with fuel anyone will take it for a ride. :D

Krystal :p

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