Man In The White Suit (1951)


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Staff member
Jan 5, 2001
Way on Down South, London Town
Wickedly accurate prediction.

Sidney Stratton, (Alec Guinness) is a humble inventor, obsessed with developing a fabric which never gets dirty, wrinkles or wears out. He lives in poverty and obscurity, he takes dead-end jobs that barely pay the rent, all so that he can complete his research and present the weary post-WWII Britain with his miracle. This would seem to be a boon for mankind, and he cannot believe anyone else wouldn't agree, but the established garment manufacturers don't see it that way; they realize that it'll put them out of business. They try to suppress it, as do the unions. Everyone is against him. Made in 1951 as a satire, it instead accurately predicted our modern-day, throw-away, consumer-led society.

One of the Ealing Studios Comedies.
Very much an underrated and under appreciated film.
I've never heard of this. I'll check it out as it sounds very interesting.
Apparently because of the nature of his outfit Alex Guineas had to do very many costume changes, every time the white suit got a smudge on it.
Oh my, that's a really fine and funny movie that I now need to revisit despite having seen it several times way back when.
And, BTW, for those not already aware, any of those Alec Guinness films provide a balm for a world-weary soul.
Oh my, that's a really fine and funny movie that I now need to revisit despite having seen it several times way back when.
And, BTW, for those not already aware, any of those Alec Guinness films provide a balm for a world-weary soul.

Drama and Comedy , he could do both without missing a beat . :cool:

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