Dobby in CoS


Sound and fury
Oct 20, 2000
Now... for everyone who has seent he posters/trailers... the most overwhelming comments I've heard that Dobby is wrong. What does everyone else think? He isn't as I pictured him at all.....
Bit of a toughie there Skip. Not sure how I'd imagined Dobby. Probably thought of a mini leprechaun with big ears. LOL

annette :)
Same here. The books description of him was not like a 'Tolkein' Elf, so I wasn't expecting a beautiful mythical creature, but he looks more like a goblin or leprechaun to me.
Dobby looks nothing like I expected him to be. I think dmalfoy wouldnt agree (when she finds ascifi again lol shes busy working and stuff lately) with me though cos she says he has the basics...big ears and big eyes :lol: Still, I think I expected something....greener....and better to look at, something that was like an animated elf if you see what I mean. I'm not really explaining this very well, am I? *sigh*

Sini :eek:
Nothing like how i imagined him. I imagine a furby-type thing with huge ears an big pretty eyes and a mischievious smile, and really short legs so house-elves kinda...hop...:D But not that skinny tall thing I saw on a poster....nah...
My imagination is kind of limited :eek:, so that's why I said he is as I thought he would be

oh Legolas, i was imagining a Furby too :D

Don't know if this was pretty or worse. I guess he was more detailed.