What was the last movie you saw?

I just researched the original 1968 Planet of the Apes, this time with my 14 year old. She knew nothing of the story ahead of time, I wanted to see her reaction approaching it fresh. She figured out toward the end that they were on Earth, and said the story left her with a "bad feeling" since humans ruined the Earth but the apes evolved to be just like humans. I think that's an appropriate reaction. ;)

Aside from the 2001 remake, which I didn't like, I haven't seen any of the other movies in the franchise. Is it really worth it to see "Dawn of the Planet of the Apes", story-wise, or should I see all the other movies first?
I just researched the original 1968 Planet of the Apes, this time with my 14 year old. She knew nothing of the story ahead of time, I wanted to see her reaction approaching it fresh. She figured out toward the end that they were on Earth, and said the story left her with a "bad feeling" since humans ruined the Earth but the apes evolved to be just like humans. I think that's an appropriate reaction. ;)

Aside from the 2001 remake, which I didn't like, I haven't seen any of the other movies in the franchise. Is it really worth it to see "Dawn of the Planet of the Apes", story-wise, or should I see all the other movies first?

The previous film, Rise of... was very good actually. Surprised me as I was expecting it to be bad.
Calling anything from the 90s an oldie makes me feel really old.
Last night I watched the entire Bourne series. I was surprisingly bored, required tension was lacking. I used to love those films.
Watched Epic yesterday. Surprisingly good fantasy animation for kids that entertained the adults as well. :)

Not sure about the Irish music and Colin Farrell's strong Irish accent in a land of leaf fairies that was otherwise very American. A touch incongruous, but hey-ho. I ignored it after the first couple of minutes and enjoyed the film. ;)
Sharknado. Not as good as 2-Headed Shark Attack. I did particularly like the bit where he chainsaws himself out of a shark though. Then reaches back in and pulls out a girl.
Kythe, watch Rise of the Planet of the Apes first before you watcuh Dawn, it will make more sense. And they are no way related to the terrible Tim Burton, Mark Wahlberg one. They are quite emotional with very good stories and excellent characters and acting. No to mention the almost flawless CG
PERFECT SENSE: Sad, uplifting, sad, buoyant, sad, clever, ummm, you get the picture. But still very worth while a look.
Lesbian Vampire Killers which is even worse than I had been led to believe. I have a very high tolerance / pain threshold when it come to bad films (which borders on the masochistic). But this piece of tripe was really really painful in a not nice way.

Having tried to settle my brain into the target audience mindset (laddish FHM and Maxim reader - "oooh! shiny women!") I really did give it my best shot. If it wasn't for the sheer geeky hotness of lead MyAnna Buring (and the vague hope she would be naked by the end of the show - or at least getting a good dose of lipsticky lesbian snoggage) I doubt if I would have bothered past the first act.


(MyAnna Buring is the one in the middle.)​
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I just researched the original 1968 Planet of the Apes, this time with my 14 year old... She figured out toward the end that they were on Earth...
Aside from the 2001 remake, which I didn't like, I haven't seen any of the other movies in the franchise...

The original French language book Monkey Planet didn't have the planet as Earth either, but when they returned to Earth the timeline had somehow been altered and apes were in charge. Which makes the 2001 Tim Burton film closer to the original story, even if it still isn't a very good film.

The ending of the original film is what made that film, along with Charlton Heston's dialogue. IMHO it is certainly a much better ending. How it came about, and exactly who was responsible for what, is discussed in the last Empire magazine. There is considerable dispute over who had the idea.

I haven't seen either of the two new additions. I probably will, and I have great respect for the work of Andy Serkis, even though Roddy McDowell will always be first. I just wish Hollywood would try to create something new instead of retreading old tyres.
...the vague hope she would be naked by the end of the show - or at least getting a good dose of lipsticky lesbian snoggage...
The question we are asking is 'Did she?'

Is this a 'Carry On Lesbian Vampire Killers' hammer horror spoof? Or is it 'Flesh Gordon' soft-porn with one or two jokes? The presence of Horne and Corden (who must have been at the height of their short-lived popularity) would lead me to expect the former.

I only ask because it is available on Netflix for me to watch and is probably the only thing left there that I haven't already watched.
Is this a 'Carry On Lesbian Vampire Killers' hammer horror spoof? Or is it 'Flesh Gordon' soft-porn with one or two jokes? The presence of Horne and Corden (who must have been at the height of their short-lived popularity) would lead me to expect the former.

I only ask because it is available on Netflix for me to watch and is probably the only thing left there that I haven't already watched.

It's not even up to Flesh Gordon standard - which at least made you laugh from time to time ("Another bout like that and I'll be ready for the old folk's home!"). It's just frenetic running around with too much unfunny dialogue, (apparently anything is funny if you say 'f**k' a lot), no atmosphere, a total lack of the erotical (MyAnna Buring aside), and a pair of arse-holes where our heroes should have been. Seriously, avoid it. Go watch Zombie Strippers instead. At least that had norks on display - even if they were made of plastic and didn't move.

The question we are asking is 'Did she?'

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

Superb! It's not often that you get to see an intelligent summer blockbuster. Andy Serkis and Toby Kebbell were fantastic as Ceasar and Koba respectively.
It took me an awfully long time to remember the last film I saw. I think it was Cloud Atlas. And I do not remember if I liked it or not. I do know I quite like the score, though.
The Creature Wasn't Nice (1983) - dear gods! a candidate for the worst film I have seen this year (and in the last few months I have watched such delights as: Hellbreeder, Shark Attack 2, Lesbian Vampire Killers, and Ator the Invicible.) The Creature Wasn't Nice (aka Naked Space) is a truly awful 'film'. If not the worst then certainly one of the least funny.
After a while I realised the most interesting thing on screen was spotting the number of times you could see the studio ceiling over the top of the set.
Currently laid up with an ambulatory impediment, so getting to watch a more TV than I'm comfortable with. However, I recently got to watch Elysium. Not quite sure about the main protagonist, who wasn't as fully developed as I'd like, but surprisingly good over all - a solid 7/10.

Also rewatched Cloud Atlas, which I liked on first viewing some months ago and only gets better, it seems. Great film. Next up might have to be another rewatch, Zombieland (Rule 32: Enjoy the Little Things ;)).
I really enjoyed cloud atlas.

Last movie I watched was Saving Private Ryan after a discussion with my battle buddies about how nobody has done combat scenes quite so good before or since (band of brothers is close, but not quite).

I was 14 the first time I saw it in the cinema and the first scene left me in shock.
The Butterfly Room (2012) Dark tale about a woman estranged from her daughter who is befriended by a young girl. All is not what it seems in this competent yet severely lacking movie.

The director has all the parts of the jigsaw but the picture that is created when the pieces are manouvered into place just isn't that compelling. Not a particularly bad film but nothing startling either. A shame, I'd hoped for more.

(Hope you're ambulating a bit more soon Abernovo:))
I watched The Cabin in the Woods yesterday. It was great fun and had some classic Joss Whedon tropes in it, in the best of ways. Cool movie.

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