Have you stopped reading Wheel of Time?

Brian G Turner

Fantasist & Futurist
Staff member
Nov 23, 2002
Has anyone ehre actually decided to stop reading Wheel of Time and given up on the series? I ehar a lot of people dis-satisifed with the pace, but after learning about - and caring - for the characters for so long, is it really something people can put down, or has the story simply dragged on far too long, and now it's time to end it?
Re: Have you stopped reading Whell of Time?

Stop reading the series?! Are you insane? Just teasing.;) No, I will keep on reading the books as they come out. I like the characters too much, I can't wait to see what happens to all of them.
Re: Have you stopped reading Whell of Time?

Of course I'll keep reading. It's a good story with good characters. He writes well, he just needs to edit a bit more out of it before publishing.
Re: Have you stopped reading Whell of Time?

Who cares about the editing as long as it is informative and he can make it as long as he wants.
Was a bit put out when his latest is actually a prequel and one I did't even enjoy enough to buy.

I'm a fast reader and already gorged on half the book before putting it down and buying something else.
Re: Have you stopped reading Whell of Time?

PS - just to let you know I re-edited the thread title - now Wheel of Time, instead of Whell of Time. :)
Re: Have you stopped reading Whell of Time?

nemogbr said:
Who cares about the editing as long as it is informative and he can make it as long as he wants.
Was a bit put out when his latest is actually a prequel and one I did't even enjoy enough to buy.

I'm a fast reader and already gorged on half the book before putting it down and buying something else.
I truly don't mind long books, as a matter of fact I prefer them as shorter books go so quickly. What I object to in this series is his penchant for reiterating prior stories to bring readers up to speed. He should decide if they should be stand-alones or a series. In a series, nobody expects to be able to pick up a book in the middle and be able to completely follow and understand the characters and the story lines.
BTW, there is a popular (or at least attractive) theory that Jordan actually died after writing WoT 6: Lord of Chaos and his wife, Harriet, has been writing the remaining volumes, which explains the excess of cat-fights and clothing description, as well as the failure to advance the plot. :D

*ducks for cover*
i just finished the 4th book and not planning to stop. just need to find me time to actually read like a normal person...
I stopped reading the series when my dad died, though I did not read anything for nearly two years. All of my friends who were reading the series give up at some point. I am waiting for a significant amount of time to pass so that I have forgot most of what went on in the first four books of the series, so that I can start again. Has the series developed well? I have only heard bad news regarding Jordan.
too long way too long. that is why I stopped reading it. Jordan is just getting greedy nowadays he fills a book with 700 pages of filler and about 200 pages of actual development. yah know the uber-serisis has just lost its appeal to me I mean reasonably how much can one person take and do in there life time. but anyways I hope the rest to Robert JOrdan and he is very much alive, I saw him at a bookstore in Raleigh NC and asked him to sign my copy of the wheel of time and he was more than obliged to do it.
Yeah, I don't mind long work, so long as its quality. I got bored with Jordan's stuff. I know I'll read it and not mind it when I get round to it. The trick is actually being bothered to do it. I stopped actually buying the books ages ago. they are everywhere these days, so its not hard to get a copy if you want to.
but yeah, I was dissappointed. I think his standard has dropped, wither that or I grew up. (lol, especially true and likely given how long these things have been going).
To me it seems to be more about producing the books for the sales than producing the books for the audience.He could truly have created one or two really good books out of the last three. they just seem to cover no ground. It's like Dragonball Z: one fight takes to weeks to cover.
But i guess you wouldn't notice so much if you read them all in the one sitting...
I try to keep reading them. But i have to admit i have stopped buying them i just ponce them of mates or loan them from the library.

Its a bit slow but all things will come around eventually
Welcome SP4, you should introduce yourself in the introduction section mate. I like the Swiss Army Knife - real classy!
I'm still trying to bring myself to read the first book...I sort of keep finding better things to do...:)

But I've been told they're great, so I guess I'll see...I'm thinking of giving up on Goodkind's Sword of Truth though...
Must admit, I stopped reading the Wheel of time around number six! Jordan just seemed to have forgotten what he intended in the first place.
Well, i read all the books up to 9th. And it was almost amusing till 9th:) . But damn master Jordan you forgot the whole idea that was behind the story.
I will keep reading, but i am already stuck for whole 3 months on that cursed 9th book so...i doubt it will be before the end of the year.
I have only read the first novel of the series, and I really didn't get into it too much. I think a large part of the reason, however, is because of the daunty amount of pages that still awaited me in a series that is largely felt by fans that it has lost it way and the author appears to be avoiding the ending purposely in hopes to cash in a bit longer.

I will only pick up Jordan's saga when I know for sure that he plans to end it.

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